They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Is it true? Check out this article which investigates 21 day fixes. If it is true, try to imagine the amount of habits formed in 4 years of high school. 

While I was scrambling to keep my grades in tip top shape to apply to the colleges of my dreams, I definitely picked up some habits that I carried over into my college years. Many of my other college-aged friends also carried over many of their bad habits, too. 

At the same time, there were also many habits I left in my high school years and was glad I did.

1. Procrastinating

coffee, chocolate, milk
Jocelyn Hsu

Everyone does it. Saving the paper until the last night its due or studying for the midterm hours before you have to sit for it. In college, it's much harder to break the procrastination habit if you have been doing it through 4 years of high school. While it may not seem like a big problem in high school, college assignments are much more complex and may result in an all nighter or handing in an incomplete project. Try to make a schedule for yourself so you're not as overwhelmed. Try doing a little of each assignment per night instead of saving it for the last minute. 

2. Going To Bed Late

Allyson Busch

In high school, the later I went to bed, the cooler I felt. Going to bed later gave me more hours in a day and more "me time" at night. Although it may have been fun in the moment, in reality, it shortened the next day and my productivity. Waking up at noon definitely sets you at a disadvantage to have a full, productive day. Now, I try to make sure I am in bed before 12 to make the most of all of my days. 

3. Drinking soda

Sammy Mintzer

No one wants to hear it, but drinking soda at every meal is probably the worst thing you can do for your body. When our metabolism is high (aka when you're a 15 year old high school student) super sugary drinks don't matter as much. When you get to be a little older, these extra calories and grams of sugar have no benefit on you or your health.  

If you drink soda for the taste, try swapping it with a flavored seltzer. If you want the rush of caffeine, try switching to coffee. While coffee may not be the best thing for you either, you are getting less than half of the sugar intake. If you are still adamant about drinking soda, learn about diet soda's nutritional benefits here.

4. Doing Homework In Bed

I spent much of my high school career doing homework in the comfort of my own bed. At the time, when I wasn't slammed with copious amounts of homework, leisurely doing my homework felt just right. In college, doing my extensive, time consuming homework in bed is simply not possible. Before I know it, I'm checking Instagram or maybe even fast asleep. Your bed should have sleeping associated with it, not busy work. Studies have shown that people who do work from their beds have a harder time falling asleep. If you're having trouble falling asleep, try these foods to get a better quality of sleep. As uncomfortable as it may be, switch to a desk to get the full homework experience.

5. Not Exercising

tea, coffee
Nicole Laszlo

The great thing about being a teenager is the naturally rail-thin body that comes with eating whatever you want. Most teens play a sport which keeps them active, but there are also plenty of kids who don't do much to maintain their health. Getting in an exercise pattern early will help you maintain your health as you age, instead of thinking of physical activity as a chore instead of a part of life. If you're a college student, try these easy exercises you can do in your dorm room.

6. Eating a Sugar-Filled Breakfast

Cocoa Krispies were a staple breakfast for me growing up. Along with chocolate chip muffins. Pretty much, the more chocolate the better. Now that I'm older with much more things to accomplish between breakfast and lunch, I need to be full as long as possible. Eating a breakfast high in sugar not only is bad for your health, but also won't keep you full. Try a breakfast with a mix of carbs and protein and keep yourself as full as possible. Learn about all the bad eating habits you should probably break here.

7. Not Flossing

sweet, cream, chocolate, tea, coffee
Katherine Baker

Not to be your dentist, but every time I get a cavity filled, my hygienist tells me I could have prevented this if I flossed. If you like to tell your dentist you floss when you don't, learn how they can tell here. So just do it. We all hate it, but might as well just get it over with. 

No matter what your bad habit may be, just trying to break it is a step in the right direction.