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The Ultimate Guide to Trader Joe’s Greek Yogurt

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UVA chapter.

Greek yogurt, although it has slightly more calories, packs more protein and less carbs, sugar, and sodium than regular yogurt. That makes for a nutritious breakfast or snack that will keep you satisfied until your next meal. Therefore, it’s only natural that everyone’s go-to grocery store, Trader Joe’s, offers a huge variety of greek yogurt. Trader Joe’s greek yogurt all falls under three categories based on the fat content of the milk that’s used to make it. There are nonfat, 2%, and whole milk options. 

I’m personally a huge fan of eating greek yogurt plain, or incorporating it into other dishes, but every once and a while I like to pick a random flavor from the giant Trader Joe’s greek yogurt selection. I’ll admit that, even as a big greek yogurt fan, it can be a little overwhelming. That’s why I want to give you the scoop on every Trader Joe’s greek yogurt flavor so that next time, you can go into the store with a game plan

Nonfat Plain

This is Trader Joe’s greek yogurt at its most basic. It comes in a variety of sizes, but if you buy this largest 32 oz. size, you can use it in a variety of sweet and savory recipes. Personally, I love to use it in place of butter or oil for baking. 

Nonfat Honey

Skip that extra step of adding honey to your morning yogurt parfait with this yogurt. The nonfat Trader Joe’s greek yogurt is just the perfect balance of sweet and tart, unlike many overly sugary brands

Nonfat Vanilla Bean

This flavor of Trader Joe’s greek yogurt is obviously more on the sweet than savory side. It makes a great base for a morning parfait, followed by whatever your favorite toppings are. The added sweetness also makes this a great flavor option for turning into dessert froyo

Nonfat Pomegranate

I’m kicking off Trader Joe’s fruit-flavored greek yogurt options with an uncommon flavor. The bite of the pomegranate actually goes well with the natural tartness of the greek yogurt. This flavor makes a great, refreshing snack

Nonfat Blueberry

Perhaps the most common fruit flavor in yogurt, Trader Joe’s blueberry greek yogurt sure has plenty of competition. I’d choose Trader Joe’s version every time, though, due to its fresh, tart blueberry flavor and relatively low sugar content. There’s no artificial flavorings in sight here. 

Nonfat Mango

Somehow, the mango blended into this flavor of Trader Joe’s greek yogurt makes the end product even creamier than usual. It makes a great base for smoothies with other tropical mix-ins like pineapple, orange, kiwi, and coconut. 

Nonfat Strawberry

If blueberry isn’t the most popular flavor of greek yogurt, then strawberry definitely takes the gold. Trader Joe’s nonfat strawberry offering will not disappoint, with the fruit contributing the perfect amount of sugar to balance out the tartness of the greek yogurt base. Personally, I think the strawberry tastes deliciously fresh, unlike many other greek yogurt brands that have an artificial, chemical flavor. 

Nonfat Coconut Cream

If you want to get a little tropical with your breakfast, this is the flavor for you. The flavor is light, so you can try adding it to your smoothies or overnight oats for subtle coconut flavor and added creaminess. 

Nonfat Black Raspberry

As with the pomegranate, this flavor has tart fruit added to the tart greek yogurt base. Personally, I love eating it just as it comes, but if you’re feeling creative, this flavor makes a great base for greek yogurt bark. The topping possibilities are endless, but granola, white chocolate, and fresh red raspberries are a great place to start. 

Nonfat Pumpkin

Although you can only find it in the refrigerator of your local Trader Joe’s seasonally, this flavor is a clear customer favorite. It’s the perfect healthy way to get into the fall mood without sugar-laden pumpkin pie or pumpkin spice lattes

Nonfat Peanut Butter and Jelly

I wanted to save this fun way to get your PB&J fix for the last of Trader Joe’s nonfat offerings. When you top it with a little granola, it’s got everything you need to make a healthy breakfast: protein, healthy fats, and carbs. 

2% Plain

The only 2% option among Trader Joe’s greek yogurt flavors, this flavor is a great way to incorporate healthy fats into your diet. Because you’re starting with just the basic tart flavor, you can incorporate this in sweet or savory recipes

Whole Milk Plain

Whole milk has about 3.25% fat content, so this flavor really isn’t much different from its 2% counterpart. That extra fat does result in a slightly creamier feel and noticeably better texture when the whole fat greek yogurts are frozen. If you’re going to freeze a Trader Joe’s greek yogurt and you aren’t following a low-fat diet, I’d highly recommend using one of the whole milk flavors. 

Whole Milk Honey

This flavor makes a great base for your morning parfait. I’ve found that when I add my own sweetener to yogurt, I tend to be a little heavy-handed, so this is a great way to keep my sugar intake under control. As an added bonus, the fat and protein content will keep you feeling more satisfied than regular yogurt or the nonfat version. 

Whole Milk Vanilla Bean

This Trader Joe’s greek yogurt flavor, with the higher fat content and sweet vanilla bean flavor, makes the best frozen yogurt dessert. This whole milk vanilla bean flavor is creamier than its nonfat counterpart, resulting in an almost ice cream-like consistency. 

Whole Milk Coconut Cream

Somehow the coconut cream flavor becomes richer and more forward when it’s added to full-fat greek yogurt. That makes this Trader Joe’s greek yogurt flavor a great candidate for a healthy dessert that will make you feel like you’re sitting on a beach somewhere

Whole Milk Apricot Mango

After tasting this Trader Joe’s greek yogurt flavor, I have to say that I’m surprised the apricot and mango combo isn’t more widespread. The two fruits pair really well together for a greek yogurt that doesn’t even need toppings. 

Whole Milk Strawberry Vanilla

Although I’m admittedly not a fan of strawberry ice cream, I love this flavor. The strawberry is fresh and the vanilla really gives it a dessert flavor. The sugar content is a bit high, but still much lower than any ice cream on the market, maybe besides Halo Top

Whole Milk Maple Brown Sugar

Trader Joe's Maple Brown Sugar and Chocolate Mousse Greek Yogurt
theimpulsivebuy on Flickr

This was one of two seasonal flavors that Trader Joe’s stocks the shelves with in the winter. Personally, I think it’s a bit on the sweet side for breakfast. However, it’s perfect for a substitute in baking because it can help you cut down on the fat and sugar in the final product. 

Whole Milk Chocolate Mousse

This other winter seasonal Trader Joe’s greek yogurt flavor is a decadent dessert in disguise. Although it’s healthier than ice cream, I think the texture is creamier. Plus, the tartness of the greek yogurt brings out more chocolate flavor than you’ll ever find in an ice cream. 

Whole Milk Caramel Macchiato

This Trader Joe’s greek yogurt may sound like a great option for coffee-lovers, but, in all honesty, the coffee flavor is a little lacking. The caramel flavor is very forward, so those looking for a sweet treat will find it here. 

Whole Milk Apple Caramel

If, for some reason, you’re madly craving apple pie but can’t eat it, run to your local Trader Joe’s right now and pick this flavor up. It’s got nearly as much sugar as the original dessert, so I would steer clear of this flavor for breakfast. 

Whole Milk Avocado Citrus

This flavor is the newest addition to Trader Joe’s greek yogurt line-up and I have no idea if it’s here to stay. Stock up while it lasts because this innovative flavor goes unexpectedly well on tacos instead of sour cream. But that’s only if you don’t eat it all straight out of the container. 

Whole Milk Matcha Green Tea

Trader Joe’s has a large line-up of matcha products that take advantage of its recent surge in popularity. Fortunately for matcha-lovers, this flavor is a delicious alternative to the recently recalled matcha ice cream

Now that you’re fully informed about all of your Trader Joe’s greek yogurt options, I hope you can make a successful trip to the refrigerator isle. From breakfast to snacks to dessert, there are flavors to satisfy all of your cravings. 

Renee Spillane is a fourth year at the University of Virginia and studying accounting and marketing. Some of her favorite hobbies include running, reading, writing, photography, cooking, and travel. Everyone that knows Renee knows that she has a slight obsession with food, which often means stalking menus on yelp, compulsively baking, and running her foodstagram @foodbyrenee.