One of the hardest things to do in life is to learn how to cook without the fear of burning your entire kitchen down. And, since there's a strong chance you're practicing social distancing in response to the recent spread of COVID-19 (or Coronavirus), now is a great time to learn. With these easy three-ingredient recipes, you'll master your kitchen in no time without having to leave the house. 

1. Pizza Toast

basil, mozzarella, pizza, tomato
Alex Frank

Pizza and toast are undeniably two of the best foods ever invented. Now you're able to combine the two of them together with this 3-ingredient recipe.

2. Watermelon Recovery Smoothie

strawberry, ice, cream, sweet, sorbet, berry, dairy product, milk, yogurt, banana, smoothie, pouring, cup, glass
Caroline Ingalls

Feeling dehydrated? Too much wine? Try this watermelon smoothie recipe to help you feel better with just three ingredients. 

3. Boozy Brunch Muffins

Catherine Ku

These boozy muffins are great if you have to brunch things up without having to leave your kitchen. No judgement if you decide to make mimosas to go with them.

4. Apple Chips

Sitong Chen

Apple chips are just chips made healthier with apples. Ditch the salty option and make these instead. 

5. Pizza Rolls

Kristi Cook

Nobody said whether pizza has to be in the form of squares, slices, or pies. You can make pizza as rolls at home using three ingredients. I'm not sure why anyone would want to go outside for pizza with this at their fingertips. 

6. Red Velvet Oreo Truffles

candy, sweet, cake, chocolate, cream, strawberry, goody, pastry, berry, sweetmeat, sprinkles
Meredith Ross

These truffles are basically cake pops without the stick. Red velvet is commonly found in cheesecake and can be hard to find, so make these red velvet Oreo truffles at home instead.

7. Parmesan Croissants

pastry, croissant, dough, sweet, bread, butter, puff
Jedd Marrero

Cheese and croissants as a combo really just mean flaky cheesy bread, which sounds incredibly appetizing. If you're interested, follow this croissant recipe in the comfort of your own kitchen.

8. Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispies 

Madison Keefer

While pumpkin spice is, well, spicy, Rice Krispies are sweet. Have the best of both worlds with this pumpkin spice Rice Krispies recipe. Make it happen.

9. Cheesecake

sweet, cake, dairy product, cream, pastry, cheesecake, chocolate
Jocelyn Liu

While this is a form of cake that usually runs upwards of $5 per slice, you can now make it at home in mass quantities using three ingredients. This cheesecake recipe is impossible to mess up.

10. Dunkaroos Dip

cream, sweet, milk, dairy product, chocolate, candy, cake, pudding
Kristi Cook

The best part of Dunkaroos is the dip, and you can now make it at home using this Dunkaroo dip recipe, so you can easily relive your childhood.

11. Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte Coffee Creamer

Amy Cho

Out of all of the recipes on this list, this has got to be the most basic. With the help of this PSL creamer recipe, you can save some cash and avoid waiting in the Starbucks line. 

12. Garlicky Brie Cheese

Kaylee McIntosh

You don't have to spend a lot of time on food for group dinners. With the help of this garlic and honey Brie recipe, you'll have a gooey, flavorful appetizer in just 20 minutes.

13. Homemade Pasta

Sarah Spiro

Pasta is a staple that won't break the bank to make at home, but can get expensive easily if you go to a real Italian restaurant. Try out this homemade pasta recipe for a quick meal.

14. Candy Cane Dipped Oreos

Kelly McAdam

While this dipped Oreo recipe might be geared towards the holidays, that doesn't mean that it's best to wait for the holidays to enjoy them. If the mood strikes, I say go ahead and make them.

15. Baked Sriracha Potato Chips

Mary Sullivan

If you're a hot sauce fanatic like myself, you want to consider making these Sriracha chips. You'll get a kick of heat in every bite.

17. Mallomars

chocolate, milk, candy, peanut butter, peanut, milk chocolate, cream
Manxi Qin

Mallomars are essentially chocolate-covered s'mores. Given that they take three ingredients to make, it'd be a crime not to make them at home.

18. Salmon

salmon, fish, seafood
Jocelyn Hsu

With the help of this easy salmon recipe, you can make it for that rare night you feel like being incredibly healthy. Salmon is a bit pricier, but the short ingredient list will help you save some cash.

19. Artichoke Dip

cheese, crust, pie, pastry, pizza
Elizabeth Budd

If artichokes on their own aren't your fave, try this artichoke dip recipe. Adding a little cheese to your veggies is a good way to make yourself eat your greens.

20. Swish Roll Ice Cream Cake

With such a short list of ingredients, you'll spend less time making this ice cream cake and more time eating it. More recipes should be this simple.

21. Chocolate Bacon Bark

chocolate, caramel, pecan
Analiese Trimber

Salty bacon and sweet chocolate pair perfectly in this chocolate bacon bark recipe. Good luck not eating this all in one sitting.

22. Eggnog Truffles

cream, ice cream, ice, dairy product, chocolate
Caroline Ingalls

Eggnog's usually revived during the holidays, but this recipe for eggnog truffles will put you in the spirit all year round.

23. Peanut Butter Banana Cookies

chocolate, sweet, cookie, oatmeal, oatmeal cookie, candy, cake
Kristine Mahan

Whoever thought of combining peanut butter and bananas was onto something. These peanut butter banana cookies are seriously amazing.

24. Pop-Tart Cheesecake Truffles

chocolate, candy, sweet, cake, cream, sprinkles
Arden Sarner

With the help of this truffle recipe, you get three desserts in one—cheesecake that tastes like Pop-Tarts in the form of truffles.

25. Healthy Hot Chocolate

chocolate, marshmallow, candy, milk, sweet, dairy product
Maggie Murray

While hot chocolate may be most popular when it's freezing cold outside, you can make it any time with the help of this 3-ingredient hot chocolate recipe. It's quick, it's cheap, and most importantly, it's delicious. 

With any of these recipes, you can easily say that you're busy chef-ing it up in your kitchen and say that you know what you're doing. So, chef on and then stuff your face with what you've created.

#SpoonTip: For more easy recipes, check out these 5-ingredient dessert recipes.