I made one of those mistakes on Facebook where you like too many pages and your news feed suddenly becomes articles on articles instead of your friends’ statuses. So I recently read on one of these “news publications” (definitely in quotes because if you saw the pages I follow, you’d hardly call them news) that Fall is “hostessing season.” Well, I sort of think every season is hostessing season, but let’s go with it.
You’re going to need some tasty treats for all this hostessing you’re going to do and let’s be real – there needs to be some bacon on the table. And chocolate. If there’s no bacon, I probably won’t come.
Too harsh? That’s just because this bacon bark only calls for three ingredients and takes less than 30 minutes to make. And if you nab your bacon from my go-to bacon company, it’ll elevate this simple treat to a whole new level.
Trust me, this bacon bark will be your go-to for all the Fall events Facebook says you should be having. You’re welcome.

Bacon Bark
In a small frying pan over medium heat, add bacon and sauté for about 5 minutes or until fully cooked.
Place cooked bacon onto plate lined with paper towels to absorb the grease.
Chop bacon to desired size and set aside.
Chop almonds and set aside.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Fill a small sauce pan with 1-2 inches of water.
Bring water to a boil.
Place a heatproof bowl over saucepan and add chocolate chips.
Melt chocolate slowly in double boiler, stirring continuously.
Once all chocolate is melted, pour over parchment paper.
Using a rubber spatula, spread chocolate evenly over baking sheet.
Sprinkle with almonds and bacon.
Set baking sheet in refrigerator until chocolate has cooled.