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Elli Quark 0338
Elli Quark 0338

I Ate Healthy Cheesecake Every Day for 16 Days and Here’s What I Thought

Greek yogurt, in all its flavors, is my favorite breakfast on-the-go. However, recently, I decided to become more adventurous to overcome the monotony that is the dining hall. That’s how I came across Elli Quark, a Los Angeles based company that serves quark with clean ingredients and creative flavors. 

WTF is Quark?

elli quark cream
Lara Taniguchi

Quark is a German yogurt that’s not actually milk, but cheese. Milk is soured and then heated to separate the liquids from the cheese. Then it’s strained to produce a creamy consistency thicker than Greek yogurt. Bonus: It has a high protein content and fewer calories than my beloved Chobani. 

Now that you’re more familiar with quark, let’s move on to the exciting part: I tried out all 16 flavors from Elli Quark, and here’s a definitive ranking of them.

16. Red Velvet

Let me just preface with this: All of Elli Quark’s flavors are great. I would happily scarf them down every morning. Even my least favorite flavor is still tasty, being Red Velvet. Red Velvet is my favorite cake flavor because of the deep cocoa flavor mixed with the indulgent cream cheese.

This Elli Quark flavor has a strong, sweet cheese flavor and a hint of cocoa, but I wish it were stronger. If the quark wasn’t dyed red, and if the label didn’t declare it to be this flavor, I wouldn’t have known that this was Red Velvet.

15. Banana Foster

I’ve never had Bananas Foster, so I could be wrong, but I think it’s supposed to have a rich, buttery flavor. I could mostly taste the banana, which did not have an artificial flavor, which pleasantly surprised me. I do wish there was more of a caramel flavor to really elevate it.

14. Brownie Batter

Brownies are one of my favorite treats because they’re super rich, fudgy and versatile. Elli Quark produced a pretty solid variation, but it wasn’t as chocolaty as I’d like. If you don’t have a major sweet tooth or like really dark chocolate, this flavor is for you.

13. Cherry

Summertime is coming to a close, so enjoy cherries while they’re still in season with this flavor. Added bonus? It doesn’t have that syrupy flavor that cherry candy or maraschino cherries have, so you know you’re eating the real thing.

12. Sea Salt Caramel

I am here for anything salted caramel. This popular flavor combination contains the perfect balance of savory and sweet, which enhances just about any dessert. This Elli Quark flavor certainly hits the mark, and I could see myself eating this the next time I’m craving salted caramel ice cream.

11. Pineapple

There’s nothing better than biting into a juicy pineapple on a hot day, and this pineapple quark comes at a close second. With pieces of pineapple to contrast from the plain, tart base, it’s a flavor that’ll wake up your tastebuds in the morning.

10. Coconut

One of the whole milk quarks, the coconut flavor is richer, since it’s packed with healthy fats. Although I am not on the coconut bandwagon, I did enjoy this flavor because of the coconut shreds adding texture in the thick concoction.

9. Mint Chocolate

There are some people that vehemently hate mint and chocolate, and there are some people that are obsessed with it. I think it’s a match made in heaven, hence me enjoying the mint chocolate quark. It’s like the yogurt version of Andes mint, except all-natural.

8. Apple Pie

There’s nothing that puts me in a more nostalgic mood than apple pie. This little cup made me feel like I was at a BBQ with my family, even though I was stuck in my dorm room slaving away.

7. Plain 0%

Plain Greek yogurt is really tart, since there’s no added sugars. Plain quark, on the other hand, is milder. It’s not as sour, but it still has that nice zing to it that makes it a great substitute for things like sour cream or mayonnaise.

6. Plain Whole Milk

I didn’t think I would be so fond of the plain whole milk flavor, but I am. Because it contains fat, it makes for a much richer consistency. I like adding strawberries for some natural sweetness, but it’s great plain or with some cinnamon, too.

5. Peach

Call me uncultured, but it was only a few months ago that I first tried a peach, and since then, I’ve been obsessed with anything peach. They’re tangy and juicy and, in quark, enhance its flavor. And, no, I’m not saying this because it’s one of my favorite emojis.

4. Strawberry

Strawberries are my favorite fruit because they’re excellent on their own but pair well with a plethora of other foods like chocolate and Cool Whip. Likewise, Elli Quark’s strawberry quark is one of my favorites because it tastes like strawberry shortcake. It’s light and airy, yet decadent and rich, which are essential elements in a great dessert.

3. Vanilla Bean

Sure, vanilla isn’t the most exciting flavor. There are certainly others to try when you’re feeling more adventurous. But sometimes, the classics hit the spot. That’s the vanilla bean flavor. With specks of vanilla bean, you can taste how high-quality and pure the ingredients are.

As an added bonus, you can pair it with almost anything, making it the perfect base to add your favorite toppings to.

2. Blueberry

Blueberry yogurt has become of the most popular flavors, and that’s because blueberries burst with flavor and are packed with antioxidants. Elli Quark doesn’t skimp on this super food, flavoring the quark blueberry and adding blueberry pieces in it. If you’re crazing about blueberries like I am, reach for this.

1. Lemon

In a shocking turn of events, the winner is the lemon quark. Withhold judgment until you try it for yourself. It’s like a lemon cheesecake, except the lemon taste is tarter. It’s unique from any other product I’ve ever tried, and it deserves recognition.

Final Thoughts

Though I would reach for chocolate ice cream over sorbet any day, I’m pleasantly surprised to say that the fruitier Elli Quark flavors are my favorite. However, any flavor you get will blow you away. You won’t believe that something as creamy and decadent like quark could be good for you.

It's pronounced Gee-Anne. ISTJ. Advocate for alleviating inequality, self-empowerment, and tasty food.