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30 Decadent Recipes That Let You Eat Dessert for Breakfast

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Union chapter.

Breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day, but from time to time, oatmeal and boring cereal options just don’t fulfill your cravings. Sometimes, dessert for breakfast is the best option for those who have a big day ahead of them and want to relieve some stress. Here are a few recipes that will satisfy that sweet tooth, while starting your day the right way.

1. Oreo Pancakes


Photo by Arden Sarner

These pancakes not only resemble Oreos, but they taste just like them too. All you need to do is whip up the Oreo pancakes, and then put filling made of fluff, powdered sugar and Oreo between the pancakes. And just like that, you’ve made yourself a masterpiece. If you’re like me and you are a huge pancakes lover, here’s 21 reasons why pancakes are better than boyfriends.

2. Chocolate Mocha Pancakes


Photo by Rebecca Doser

This here is a chocolate lover’s dream. Not only are the pancakes chocolatey and delicious, but you can add chocolate chips and chocolate fudge on top to really make it a great meal. Try these chocolate mocha pancakes, and they will satisfy your sweet tooth in only a few bites. Drizzle some caramel sauce (recipe found here) on top to really bring this breakfast to the next level.

3. Bagel with cookie dough cream cheese


Courtesy of Elena Besser

Is your favorite part of baking cookies getting to eat the raw cookie dough? Well, if you answered yes, you’re not alone my friend. Any cookie dough lover will also fall in love with this cookie dough cream cheese. The sweetness of this cream cheese goes great with a plain bagel. Interested in what else you can do with cookie dough, here are 6 other cookie dough flavors you should try.

4. Healthy Banana Split


Photo by Clarisse Callahan

This banana split breakfast meal is a healthy alternative for dessert for breakfast. It’s delicious and super easy to make. All you need to do is cut a banana in half, spread some peanut butter in the middle, and sprinkle berries on top. If you really want to make yourself happy, add some Nutella on top of the peanut butter (you won’t regret it). Nutella makes everything better, and here’s some more reasons why it’s so amazing.

5. S’Mores Stuffed French Toast

s'mores french toast

Imagine this: you see a batch of steaming French toast out of the corner of your eye. You think its regular, ordinary French toast…but it’s not. After you’ve taken your first forkful of yummy goodness, you see something… melted marshmallow and chocolate filling. After eating this s’mores french toast, you will be filled, but still wanting more.

6. Sticky Maple Crescent Buns


Photo by Bailey Culpepper

Most people have grown up eating sticky buns, but these buns aren’t just the ordinary sticky buns you’re use to. These maple sticky buns have a flavor that is undeniable and unlike anything you’ve ever tasted before. It’s the perfect recipe for a big group of people. Each person can scoop one sticky bun from the pan, and be satisfied for the entire morning.

7. Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes


Photo by Kristen Eisenhauer

Cinnamon swirl pancakes might just be the best food invention of all time. You get the best of both worlds: sweet cinnamon rolls and the classic shape and texture of pancakes. They are just as sweet as they are amazingly delicious. The warm, sugary, smooth sauce poured on top makes it the perfect breakfast. If this sounds amazing to you, you can make cinnamon roll cookies that are just as delicious as this breakfast.

8. Reese’s and Bananas Croissant


Photo by Jayna Goldstein

No, this is not a regular chocolate croissant. It may look like it, but once you take a bite of one of these, you’ll realize that it’s actually peanut butter and chocolate inside. However, it’s not just regular chocolate chips and peanut butter. Inside this croissant are peanut butter cups. Have one of these Reese’s and banana croissants along with a cup of coffee, and you’ll be set for the morning.

9. Snickerdoodle Loaf


Photo by Eva Reynolds

If you are a snickerdoodle cookie lover, then you are bound to adore this snickerdoodle bread. After one bite of a slice of this chewy, cinnamon-y bread, you’ll be dreaming of it for days. It’s easy to make, and if you want to add an extra crunch add some nuts to the recipe to make it a little more interesting.

10. Caramelized Apple Crepes


Photo by Parisa Soraya

Maybe you’re not a huge fan of chocolate. Well, for those people out there, here’s the perfect alternative to enjoy your dessert for breakfast, chocolate free. These crepes have caramelized apples that are crisp, sweet and super tasty. To create even more perfection, add this homemade whipped cream on top.

11. Nutella-Stuffed Doughnut Muffins


Photo by Julia Murphy

Could there be anything better than a fried muffin? Well, yes, a fried muffin with Nutella oozing out of it. Is your mouth watering yet? These Nutella-stuffed doughnut muffins are the ultimate dessert for breakfast, and it’s an experience worth your while.

12. Cream Cheese French Toast with Caramelized Bananas


Photo by Irene Kim

This french toast is a twist on traditional french toast. Instead of just syrup on top, this cream cheese french toast is covered with steaming hot caramelized bananas. You won’t be able to resist snagging a second piece of this crisp, yet chewy, french toast.

13. Grapefruit Dutch Pancake


Photo by Phoebe Melnick

Ever had a Dutch pancake? Well, this recipe brings Dutch pancakes to the next level. It’s full of grapefruit and cinnamon-y deliciousness. Grapefruit not only tastes great but it also is great for your skin (so you’ll be glowing and eating amazing food at the same time), here’s why. This is perfect for when you have a large group over for breakfast. Everyone just grabs a slice from the skillet, and they will all be completely satisfied.

14. Lemon Loaf


Photo by Katherine O’Malley

If you’ve ever had Starbucks lemon bread, you’ll love this homemade version. This on loaf has a thin lemon glaze on top that will make your heart melt instantly. If you’re unfamiliar with baking with lemons or just want to know more about them, here’s five different ways to cut a lemon. The bread itself doesn’t take too long to cook, and it’s the perfect thing to make at the beginning of the week and finish as the week goes on. By the end of the week, you’ll already be planning when you’ll make it next.

 15. Banana Bread with a Nutella Swirl


Photo by Maia Vernacchia

There are many foods having to do with bananas, but let’s face it, banana bread might just be the best. Plus, you don’t feel bad about wasting those now overripe bananas that you never got around to eating. With banana bread, the more ripe the better. This banana bread, however, has Nutella in it (yum). The chocolate hazelnut spread is delicious on its own, but in banana bread it’s taken to a whole new level. Nutella swirl banana bread will bring you a mouthful of sweetness and a tummy full of happiness.

16. Churro Waffles


Photo by Phoebe Melnick

Unsure of what you want for breakfast? Maybe you want something sugary or maybe you are just craving classic, plain food? Well, here’s the solution to your problems. These churro waffles. Forget the popular mashups, this mix of breakfast foods will leave you speechless and wanting more. Trying to figure out what other mashup foods are worth a try, well check out these hybrid recipes.

17. Mini peanut butter and banana pancakes


Photo by Charlotte Sparacino

Can you imagine pancakes full of peanut butter, banana and chocolate? Well, if you can’t, then this breakfast will throw you for a loop because these babies are bitesize too. I’m a sucker for anything filled with peanut butter and chocolate, but the fact that this peanut butter banana pancake breakfast is mini sized makes it all the better. Here’s an article on other mini bite-sized foods that will surely make you happy.

18. Nutella Strawberry French Toast Roll-Ups


Photo by Kassie McIntyre

This isn’t your ordinary french toast. This still has the taste of french toast but has the added flavor of strawberry and Nutella, along with a roll-up shape, that makes the meal easier to make. Nutella strawberry french toast roll-ups make the typical french toast look boring and will leave you wondering why you haven’t tried this magical dessert-for-breakfast recipe before.

19. Homemade Poptarts


Photo by Amanda Shulman

Homemade Pop-Tarts are the perfect option when you want something simple, and so you feel like you haven’t eaten something way too chocolatey. You can make whatever flavor portrait you want. Whether it be strawberry, cinnamon, or Oreo, you can make it happen. These Pop-Tarts have a flaky, crunchy outside with a chewy, gooey inside that will make your belly happy. If you want to go a step further, try this Pop-Tart cereal.

20. Fruit-filled Parfait Waffles


Photo by Irene Kim

Once you’ve finished making this dessert-for-breakfast dish, you’ll feel accomplished and won’t be able to wait to take your first bite. You can put whatever fruit or berries you want in the recipe, and if you’re looking for some inspiration, here’s a quiz to see what type of fruit is right for you.

21. Torrijas


Photo by Sharon Cho

Wondering what in the world a torrija is? Well, a fellow spooner came up with this recipe involving the mix of a doughnut and french toast. It’s full of sugar and easy to easy. You can grab one of these out of the kitchen while running out of the house, and you’ll be satisfied and on a sugar high for the rest of the day.

22. Pancake Breakfast Sundae


Photo by Lucy Rubin

I’m sure your mouth is water from just looking at the picture above. Pancake sundaes couldn’t be any more simple to make, all you need are some pancakes. Any flavor you want… but I suggest chocolate chip. If you’re having trouble deciding, here’s a pancake topping test to help you decide. Then, you can put whatever you want on top of your creation. It could be be candy, whipped cream, fruit, or all of the above. If you struggle when it comes to making pancakes, here’s a two-ingredient recipe to make the perfect pancake.

23. Homemade Doughnuts


Photo by Phoebe Melnick

Are you a fan of doughnuts? Well, if you are (like most people), you’ll fall in love with these homemade doughnuts. You can put whatever toppings you want on the doughnuts. From Oreo bits to cereal, feel free to let your imagination run wild and your dreams come true.

24. Spiced Chocolate Chip Scones


Photo by Caitlin McCreight

Nothing is better than a cup of tea and a scone in the morning. These scones make the combo even more delicious with the added chocolate chips. You should eat them just out of the oven when they’re chewy and hot to get the best flavor. If you aren’t sure what kind of tea you want to drink along with the scone, check out this ultimate tea guide.

25. Cookie Butter Bagel


Photo by Kirby Bath

What better way to sweeten your day than some cookie butter? This couldn’t be more simple to make. All you need to do is toast a bagel and then spread some cookie butter on top. Once you smear as much cookie butter as you need you can add whatever toppings you want. If you’re looking for some motivation, here are 12 different ways that you can eat cookie butter to help you out.

26. Chocolate Almond Butter Truffle Oatmeal


Photo by Denisse Porras

Eating oatmeal in the morning doesn’t always mean eating a boring, incredibly healthy breakfast. In fact, there’s more to oatmeal than just brown sugar and mixed berries for added flavor. This chocolate almond butter truffle oatmeal is amazing with its delicious mix of chocolate and almond butter. If you really want to be trendy make this oatmeal in a mason jar to brighten up your morning.

27. Coconut Pancakes


Photo from www.howsweeteats.com

Who doesn’t love good coconut dessert? Well, this recipe is no coconut cake, but it’s better. These coconut pancakes have coconut flakes both inside and sprinkled on top of the pancakes. Drench your coconut pancakes in maple syrup, and your tummy will be thanking you. If you’re on the fence about coconut and not sure what to think about these pancakes, read why coconut should be your new best friend.

28. Cereal Snack Bars


Photo by Sharpay Zhang

These cereal snack bars are the perfect fix to a bad morning. Maybe you woke up late, didn’t have time to shower, and couldn’t find the outfit that you had envisioned yourself wearing? Well, have no fear, this breakfast will take away all of your stress. It only involves Life cereal, melted marshmallows and sprinkles. If you really want to add a bit of sweetness you can put homemade butterscotch sauce on top. Honestly, is there anything that could make your day better that running out the door with one of these?

29. Funfetti Pancake Taquitos


Photo by Sophie Rosen

If you like funfetti and breakfast foods, then this is the meal for you. Not only are these pancake taquitos tasty, but they’re colorful too, which means eating it will be more fun. These taquitos combine pancakes, tacos, sprinkles, and any topping in the world you could imagine. Spread some fluff, chocolate sauce, sprinkle a few (or a lot) of chocolate chips on top or add some sliced strawberries. Be creative and make a dessert-for-breakfast that is irresistible to any sweet-lover.

30. Muffins made with Chunky Monkey Ice Cream


Photo by Phoebe Melnick

Yep, you read that correctly. These muffins are made with chunky monkey ice cream. If you’re having a really bad morning, what better to improve that than with some Ben and Jerry’s? These taste sweet, but are in the form of a muffin, so no one will know that you are eating something so naughty and of course delicious for breakfast.


Graphic by Spoon University