
8 Australian Candies to Add to Your Food Bucket List

When half of your family lives in Australia, you get to eat all kinds of Aussie treats growing up. One of my favorite things about visiting Australia has always been roaming the grocery stores, and looking for Australian candies and snacks to savor with my family as we travel. 

From a distance, the candy aisle looks pretty similar to that of the US. It is lined with chocolate bars, gummies, and hard candy. But, once you look a little more closely, you will not find the Snickers bars and jelly beans you are used to. Whether you're planning a trip to Australia or just to World Market, these popular Aussie sweets are definitely worth a try.

1. Jaffas

These soft-chocolate spheres are enrobed in an orange-flavored candy coating, making them the more sophisticated cousin of the M&M. Perfect for serving at a party or sneaking into the movie theatre, these little bursts of orange and chocolate flavor will have you reaching for more. 

2. Violet Crumble 

Honeycomb is a staple dessert in Australia. It is made by heating sugar to make a caramel, and then fizzing it up with baking soda. The result is a sticky, crunchy, sweet snack that you won't be able to stop eating. If this sounds like your thing, you will love Violet Crumble, a chocolate covered solid bar of golden honeycomb.

3. Cherry Ripe 

This one is definitely a hit or miss, but you can find it in every grocery store, gas station, and pharmacy in Australia. This dark chocolate bar is filled with a coconut cherry filling that is light pink in color. If you didn't grow up eating it, it might not be your favorite. However, if you want to eat like the locals, you should definitely give this one a try.

4. Picnic

The Picnic combines the best of every chocolate bar in existence. Caramel, nuts, rice crispies, and chocolate surround a kit kat-like wafer in this dreamy Cadbury chocolate bar. If you like lots of bits and pieces in your candy bar, this one is for you.

5. Flake

I have yet to find a similar candy bar in the US. This bar is made of pure Cadbury milk chocolate folded into light and delicate strands. It may sound simple, but the texture is sure to surprise you. As the name suggests, you will need a napkin handy when eating a Flake, but the mess is definitely worth the experience. 

6. Chokito

The Nestlé Chokito was one of my dad's favorite treats growing up, and for a good reason. This rice crisp and milk chocolate bar is stuffed with chewy caramel fudge, and comes in a pretty large package. It is kind of like the 100 Grand... times 100.

7. Licorice 

The licorice in Australia is nothing like the plastic-like, tooth-gluing twigs popular in the US. Most often found in berry or original black flavors, this popular candy lines the shelves of every shop in Australia. I was skeptical at first, having only tried one sad type of licorice before, but was pleasantly surprised by the light chew and strong flavor of the Aussie version. Whether you think you like licorice or not, you can't leave Australia without trying some.

8. Party Mix

Allen's Party Mix is a combination of all of Australia's favorite candy (which Aussies call lollies). This bag of Australian candies includes cheeky jelly babies, green racing cars, soft funny teeth, stretchy snakes, and more. If the names seem strange, just wait till you taste them. This stuff is much chewier and less sweet than our gummy worms and orange slices, but I can never seem to stop myself from reaching for more.

Look out for these Australian candies the next time you're strolling the international aisle of your grocery store, and discover the chocolates and lollies that Aussies crave. You'll get that familiar warm, fuzzy, packaged candy feeling you love while learning something new about another part of the world.