I only cook when the apartment is completely empty. I can’t have roommates looking on with concern and horror. They just don’t get it and that messes with the whole vibe. From an outsider’s perspective, sure, it looks like I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. But, I promise, there’s a method to my madness. I am chaos cooking, which is currently trending on TikTok.

For a little background, chaos cooking is basically when you embrace mess and recipe/ingredient fusion in the kitchen. Think, Kimchi taco. For TikTokers, this has gone in several different directions. Some focus more on the fusion aspect of chaos cooking, combining seemingly incompatible ingredients and making a glorious, food-gasm of a dish. For others, chaos cooking means making mistakes while cooking but learning how to embrace them to the advantage of the future meal’s taste. Watch Selena Gomez and Eton Mess’ Pavlova dropping video for more clarity on this point.

I’m a huge believer in the idea that chaos begets creativity, and I’m nothing if not creative in the kitchen. My friends are thankful for this when they’re enjoying my lemon and Brie pudding. It tastes good, so who cares that it was a complete accident when I was trying to make a tarte au citron.

For inspiration, I’ve collected five of the best chaos cooking chefs of TikTok. Watching these will help you realize that it’s okay to set out to make a quiche but instead discover a new type of deep-dish pizza.

Your Barefoot Neighbor — @yourbarefootneighbor

This hash brown casserole is the epitome of chaos cooking. It’s all over the place but tastes amazing in the end.

Brittnee Alexus — @brittneealexus

I do not feel terrible spilling things or using whatever I find at the back of my fridge when I watch Brittnee’s videos. She makes cooking fun and the mess a part of the whole adventure.

Dope Kitchen (Nicole) — @dope_kitchen

Chaos cooking is all about making the best out of the unexpected. Like receiving two tomatoes instead of two pounds for a recipe.

Olay — @urbansizzle

Armed with a glass of Rosé, Olya dances through the cooking process, tasting as she goes, and makes the best of every cooking issue.

Christina Zumbo — @christinainbloom

Known for her chaotic meal prep, Christiana makes a messy life the goal.