
What Food Emoji Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Every astrological sign has slightly different texting styles, and that most certainly includes emojis. Beyond recognizing that a Leo is most def the Salsa Dancer, it's hard to clearly identify the exact emoji that matches your sun sign. However, my own obsession with astrology (and food) has forced me to try to determine what food emoji captures my Cancerian spirit. 

No matter where your stars are, here is the food emoji that'll fit with your vibe best. 

Aries: Soft-Serve Ice Cream 🍦

These Aries ain't patient, just like your soft-serve ice cream cone on a hot day. Don't wait too long to enjoy it or else it's gonna melt away. 

Taurus: Pizza 🍕

Taurus's are ever-reliable, and they stay constant in your life no matter the circumstances, just like pizza. I mean, c'mon, when has pizza not been there for you? It has gotten me through so many late nights, awkward social encounters, and the grease can even be used as make-up remover #goals. 

Gemini: Lemon 🍋

Gemini's have a reputation for being a bit bitter and flighty, just like that lemon on your kitchen counter. A bit of juice adds a lot of pep and fun to the mix, but too much is most certainly too much. This might be my own projecting, but honestly y'all gotta beware of the Gemini. 

Cancer: Cookie 🍪

Moon children are incredibly maternal, so you know they're gonna be relying on that home cooking (even over text). The ultimate homebodies need a legit home-made emoji, so that cookie is perfect. Hopefully it's still warm from the oven. 

Leo: Avocado 

Leos love being the star of the show, and they were born to stand out. They want a lot of attention and demand features in the Insta, just like an avocado. What other food has inspired such a fancy toast food trend and generally inspired a ~basic~ movement? 

Virgo: Green Salad

This sign is super practical and into the healthier things in life, so why not express those vibes with the healthiest food emoji of them all: salad. I hope that it's a Sweetgreen Harvest Bowl that you're eating in real life, but please live it up a bit. No good story has ever started with a salad. 

Libra: Bento Box 🍱

Libra are notoriously indecisive, so you know they won't be able to choose just one food to embody them in an emoji. The Bento Box is perfect because it combines raw fish, rice, and more for a complete Japanese meal full of yumminess (and no decisions). 

Scorpio: Cherries 🍒

Scorpios are known to be uber passionate, and you're likely to have some strong feels about them. Whether you love or hate the taste of cherries, you know this flirty emoji can cause a stir, just like our fellow Scorpios. 

Sagittarius: Steaming Bowl 🍜

Whether in their own city or a foreign country, Sagittarians are constantly exploring their surroundings and trying some new food. They are most likely to be spotted eating some trendy new food from halfway across the world, so this steaming hot bowl emoji is perfect for them. It can be filled with some noodles, ramen, pho, and various other international treats.

Capricorn: Cooking Eggs 🍳

Capricorns are by far the most responsible of the astrological bunch, so you know they are meal preppin' every Sunday. They ain't just whipping up eggs, but there is no emoji that better describes that cookin' grind. 

Aquarius: Banana 🍌

Aquarius's struggle with feelings of constraint and are constantly desiring transformation, just like that banana that is dying to be pealed after finally turning from green to yellow. They have a hard shell, but if you take the time to build trust, that Aquarius is an incredible support resource for friends and causes. 

Pisces: Cucumber

Super wise and incredibly tolerant, the Pisces is legit as cool as a cucumber. Hold onto a Pisces because they are v chill and will put you first. 

Feel free to text frequently using your new favorite emoji. I won't even judge you if you double text (because lord knows I do).