
The 10 Best Gifts to Buy for the Avocado Lover in Your Life

I'm kind of obsessed with avocados. Call me basic, but I have a relationship with them, especially avocado toast. I even made an an entire Instagram dedicated to it. I know I'm not alone with this avocado infatuation. Foodies everywhere are in love with the fruit (yes, fruit). How do you know if you're an avocado lover? Here are some clues:

1) You have avocado at least four times per week.

2) You consider avocados to be their own food group.

3) You always pay extra for that guac.

Whether you're an avocado lover and looking to find some holiday gifts for yourself, or you have an avo-obsessed loved one you need to shop for, this holiday guide is everything you need. And to my loved ones: I'll take the avocado shoes, please.

1. Avocado Slicer

This one is kind of a no-brainer. An avocado slicer is the one-stop tool for cracking open, de-pitting, and slicing those beloved avocados. And then they can make these avocado brownies. Victory.

2. Avocado Keeper

Ever just need 1/2 of an avocado and don't know what do with the rest? Simple: use this nifty gadget to keep the opened half fresh and prevent it from turning brown (because who likes brown avocados?).

3. Avocado Shoes

Not going to lie, I've been trying to get my hands on these babies for a while now. At $80, they're a little pricey, but totally worth it. Why eat your food when you can wear it?

4. Avocado Tree Grower

This is the ultimate avocado-lover gift—an avocado tree grower. All you need is to take the pit of an avocado, place it in the grower, water it, and wait for the magic to happen. What will you do with all of those avocados? Look no further–the possibilities are endless.

5. Avocado Oil

Buh-bye olive oil, sayonara coconut oil, there's a new oil that's becoming a star–avocado oil. This oil is mild in flavor and great for sautés, stir-frys, and all other cooking creations you can come up with. 

6. Avocado Toast Shirt

I would wear this every single day. Avocado toast is trendy in more ways than I thought.

7. Guacamole Mixing Bowl (Molcajete)

Ever had table-side guac at a restaurant, and see the waiters make some delicious avocado dip in a really cool bowl? This is that bowl. I can't guarantee it will make your guac taste better, but it will definitely make you feel cooler. 

8. Avocado Mayonaise 

Avocado is known as a great healthy substitution for the heavier mayo spread, and now it comes prepackaged for those of us who are too lazy to cut open an avocado. Thank the heavens. 

9. Toaster Oven

Yes, we all love the trusty two-slice toaster, but toaster ovens are the real deal. Whether to toast your bread, or make baked-eggs-in-avocado, a toaster oven is a must for anyone who considers avocados their spirit food. Plus you can even make caprese chicken in it.

10. Avocado Phone Case

A true avocado lover doesn't go a day without an avocado, and a true millennial doesn't go a second without their phone. Put the two together and behold–the avocado phone case. It's not edible, but this salmon poké avocado bowl is.