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Why Mother’s Day isn’t Long Enough

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Purdue chapter.

When I was younger I used to ask my parents when kids day is on Mother’s Day. My parents always laughed and responded by saying, “everyday is kids day.” It was selfish for me to ask but then again I thought the whole world revolved around me. My mom treated me so well I never knew any better. She’s the most selfless woman I know and puts everyone else’s happiness before her own. Now today, I wonder why Mother’s Day is limited to just one day. After seeing all that my mom does its evident that Mother’s Day isn’t long enough. It really should be everyday. I mean seriously… what did we do to deserve moms? Lets turn Mother’s Day into a lifestyle and here’s why…

She’s My Best Friend

Now I wonder why Mother’s Day is limited to just one day. After seeing all that my mom does for me and what all the moms out there do for their kids, it’s evident that having one Mother’s Day isn’t long enough. Let’s turn Mother’s Day celebrations into a lifestyle of loving and appreciating our moms every day. I mean seriously… what did we do to deserve moms

Mother's Day coffee pizza
Kristi Pfeiffer

If people were to see the sh*t that my mom and I tag each other in on Instagram...everyone would straight up be shocked. My mom is not only the queen of the house…but the queen of memes as well. Shes not like most moms…shes a cool mom. She’s my better half that brings out my best and my worst (only when its appropriate obvi). Its amazing how someone is capable of knowing exactly what I am feeling before I open my mouth or can even express it in my own words. I can go to her for everything and no matter what she listens without judgement. She’s my favorite person to gossip with, my faithful shopping partner, the best drinking buddy, and most of all… my forever friend.

She Takes Care of Me No Matter What

She’s my better half that brings out my best and my worst (only when it’s appropriate obvi). It’s amazing how someone is capable of knowing exactly what I am feeling before I open my mouth or can even express it in my own words. I can go to her for everything and no matter what she listens without judgment. She’s my favorite person to gossip with, my faithful shopping partner, the best drinking buddy, and most of all… my forever friend.

Mother's Day cake
Kristi Pfeiffer

Know how hard it is being sick at college when you’re away from your mom? Yeah that’s the worst. No one takes care of me better than my mom. She pampers me more than I ever deserve. Whether it be always grabbing me blankets when I’m sick, taking me to all my favorite stores and restaurants, or surprising me with little things here and there “just because” I am undeserving of this overwhelmingly amazing woman. She never fails to provide for my family and make sure everyone is happy and healthy (even our pets). There is NO way I could do life without my mom and I wouldn’t want to even if I could.

She Even Loves me at My Worst

Mother's Day coffee tea
Kristi Pfeiffer

Find someone who loves you for better or for worse right? Yeah well that’s my mom and I have ZERO shame. There are times where I am a handful…especially when I’m hangry. Honestly, it can be hard for me to even put up with myself sometimes. Nonetheless, my mom has shaped me into someone that I am proud of. She has taught me so much and everything I know, I owe to her. There are plenty of days where I am challenged and unable to love myself. But her love never runs out and is truly unconditional. Sorry for who I am as a person sometimes. Thanks for loving me always. Also, I appreciate all the times you didn’t follow through with the statement “I brought you into this world and I can just easily take you out of it.” Happy to still be alive and even happier to live a life with a mom like you.

Nonetheless, my mom has shaped me into someone that I am proud of. She has taught me so much and everything I know, I owe to her. There are plenty of days where I am challenged and unable to love myself. Her love never runs out and is truly unconditional. Mom, I’m sorry for who I am sometimes, but thanks for loving me always. Also, I appreciate all the times you didn’t follow through with the statement, “I brought you into this world and I can just as easily take you out of it.” Happy to still be alive and even happier to live a life with a mom like you.

Still hard to imagine that Mother’s Day is JUST one day right? My mom deserves to be celebrated everyday and a gold medal for putting up with me. To the woman that I owe everything to… there are no words that will EVER fully express my love for you. You are my life and my best friend till the end of time. You deserve the world… and if I could afford it, I would. Unfortunately, I am a broke college student so writing an article and publishing it for everyone to see is the best I could do. Happy Mother’s Day you beautiful human being. If I’m half the mother that you are…my whole life will be a success. I love you! 

To the woman I owe everything to, there are no words that will ever fully express my love for you. You are my life and my best friend till the end of time. You deserve the world, and if I could afford it, I would give it to ya. Unfortunately, I am a broke college student so writing an article and publishing it for everyone to see is the best I could do. Happy Mother’s Day you beautiful human being. If I’m half the woman that you are, my life will be a success. I love you. 

I am a Junior at Purdue University studying Nutrition, Fitness and Health. I am passionate about health, wellness, and with an extra emphasis on food. I love eating right but that doesn't mean I don't love treating myself. Food makes the stomach smile.