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11 Food Realities Only Military Kids Will Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at GSU chapter.

The life of a military family is anything but glamorous. Sure, some of us get the opportunity to live overseas, but behind every European adventure are hardworking military personnel fighting for my freedom to write this piece. I used to envy my friends who grew up in the same house with their heights marked on the wall, but being a military kid has taught me more than I could ever imagine.

Whether you’re a civilian or a solider, there’s one thing everyone needs — food. Though eating is a necessity, having a parent in the military can make things tricky at times. Here are 11 food realities military kids face at some point or another. 

1. Grabbing a slice of Anthony’s Pizza before Christmas shopping inside the BX

The BX, or Base Exchange, is basically the military’s version of a mall. Need a hair cut? Head to the BX. Need to shop for clothes? Head to the BX. Need a quick meal before heading to the base movie theater? You guessed it, head to the BX. While no base exchange is created equal, you can usually count on seeing at least an Anthony’s Pizza or a Subway inside. 

2. Knowing when your parent comes back from TDY they’ll be bringing you snacks

Alright you civilians, TDY stands for temporary duty yonder. This means that whoever is in the military is on assignment somewhere away from home. While it’s always nice to see your family again, it’s even better when you know they’re coming home with goodies. From French macarons to Bueno bars, nothing makes a welcome home better than incorporating food.

3. Having to shop at the Commissary on case lot sale day

For the most part, the commissary is your average grocery store. However, on case lot sale day the commissary looks like a Costco and designer sample sale hybrid. From buying ramen in bulk to stocking up on the rubber twist off Kool-Aid drinks, the commissary was equipped with enough food and drink to last a lifetime.

If you were lucky, your parents let you sleep in, but chances are you were up at 7 am waiting in line with your mom as she triple checked her double-sided grocery list. 

4. Getting to celebrate every holiday at once

It’s always tough when your parent is sent overseas during the holidays, but on the plus side it gives you an opportunity to cram all of your holiday traditions into one night. There’s nothing like decorating a Christmas tree and eating your body weight in turkey while dressed as a ghost.

5. Mastering the art of getting in and out of a gas station in 4 minutes flat

Having to move around a lot means spending countless hours in the car moving from state to state. Luckily, spending most of your life moving means you’ve got a system figured out. In exactly four minutes my family could pump gas, go to the bathroom, and stock up on road trip snacks like Combos and a Big Gulp filled with Mountain Dew.

6. Craving food from every place you’ve lived all at once

Sure, it was great getting to experience foreign cuisine, but that doesn’t do you any good when you’re in Orlando craving a French baguette that’s 5,000 miles away. Some may think it’s weird to want tamales and poutine for dinner, but for military kids it’s perfectly normal. 

7. Driving hours on end to get American groceries

Never, and I mean never, underestimate the importance of comfort food. Being overseas for months without a taste of home can drive a person crazy, and sometimes that craziness manifests itself in a three-hour drive from France to Belgium just for some Jif peanut butter. Trust me, the drive is always worth it. 

8. Braving the post office at Christmas to send home baked goodies

As much as I absolutely despise going to the post office during Christmas, every year my mother and I wait in line to make sure we send my father goodies from the States. It may be an arduous process, but it’s nothing compared to their sacrifice. 

9. Thinking you were cool because you got to drink before your friends

Military champagne beer
Kristine Mahan

Oh, the wonder of international drinking ages. While you may not have downed a bottle with your family at dinner, sipping from your parent’s wine glass gave you a glimpse of adulthood — and possibly a slight buzz. Though the wine may have tasted bitter, the bragging rights were delicious. 

10. Waiting for the highest ranking officer to start eating so you could dig in

With every new promotion or decoration there was always a celebration, and what do celebrations have? Cake. Well let me tell you what, no amount of sexual teasing could ever compare to being told you get to eat cake but have to wait your turn. While I now understand it’s out of respect, five-year-old Delaney was not having any of it. 

11. 4th of July = Military Christmas

You may think you throw a killer cookout, but no one throws down on the Fourth of July like the military. The sacrifice made by those in the military is an extraordinary feat, so it’s only right they go all out to celebrate the country they’re defending. Planning may or may not start two months in advance, but between the insane amount of food and the massive number of fireworks, the planning pays off big time.

The classiest broad you'll ever meet east of the Mississippi, she believes in the power of red lipstick, and can eat her body weight in tacos.