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Margarita Jesse Hayes
Margarita Jesse Hayes

10 Cocktail Recipes to Help You Drink Through Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Carleton chapter.

Valentine’s Day is the world renowned holiday of love, originating in the middle ages. The oldest known Valentine is a poem that was written in 1415 by the Duke of Orleans. The poem was for his wife who was being held at the Tower of London as a prisoner at the time. 

Flowers and chocolate are the first things that come to mind when I think of Valentine’s Day, but alcohol is next on my list. Whether you’re planning to spend this Valentine’s Day with your friends or with that special someone, here are 10 cocktail recipes to help you drink until the holiday is over.

1. Chocolate Martini

Valentines Day yogurt coffee
Andrea Leelike

Nothing says happy Valentine’s Day like a box of chocolates. Why not be innovative AF and try out this chocolate martini? This recipe is made using regular vodka, but using any dessert-flavoured vodka would only add to its deliciousness. 

2. Red Wine Sangria

Valentines Day wine sweet
Susanna Mostaghim

Why has sangria become known as a drink to have only during the summer? It’s fruity, sweet and the fruit combinations you can add to it are endless. Realistically, sangria is delicious year-round, and it’s the perfect drink to share (or not) this Valentines Day. 

3. Classic Mojito

Valentines Day herb cocktail
Phoebe Melnick

Mojito’s are my go-to cocktail. They’re a lot easier to make than they look, which is why they’re a great way to show off your bartending skills, without really having any bartending skills. If you’re looking to try something new this Valentines day, enjoy either a classic, raspberry or kiwi and pineapple mojito.

4. Negroni

Valentines Day cocktail lemon
Felice Segall

This Italian cocktail is a little more on the strong side than the others on this list, but it holds a great back story nonetheless. The cocktail was named after its creator, Count Negroni, who was an Italian Noblemen hundreds of years ago. He swapped the club soda in his Americano for dry gin, and voila, he had his masterpiece. 

5. Watermelon Margarita 

Valentines Day vodka strawberry
Lauren Kaplan

This margarita is the perfect mix of sweet, sour and salty. Plus, its’ bright pink colour makes it that much more fun to sip on. If your plans are to have a night in with friends this Valentine’s Day, this recipe is an easy way to guarantee all of your guests will be happy (and drunk).

6. Cranberry Vodka Punch

Valentines Day wine soda
Abigail Wilkins

This punch is like a stronger version of sangria, while still being equally as delicious. Cranberry juice and vodka are a dynamic duo, and adding extra ingredients for flavour only makes it better. This punch is perfect to make when looking to share a pitcher of drinks with your friends over rom-coms and junk food. 

7. Pomegranate Perfection

Valentines Day sweet pasture
Dina Zaret

This fruity cocktail is the perfect mix of sweet, sour and fizziness. Pomegranates are packed with potassium and vitamin C, contain cancer-fighting agents and reduce risks of Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore this drinks bright red colour and several health benefits make it perfect to enjoy this Valentine’s Day. 

8. Dark ‘N Stormys

Valentines Day cocktail juice
Erin Haydon

The Gosling Brothers are the creators of Dark ‘N Stormys. They recently patented the recipe to include their very own brand of Goslings Black Seal Dark Rum. It’s not to say you’ll be arrested for swapping it for Bacardi, but if you try to make a profit off your variation recipe, there will be legal complications. Aside from the slight chance you may be arrested for cheaping out on your rum, this cocktail is nonetheless a great option for Valentine’s Day. 

9. The Dirty Shirley 

Valentines Day liquor berry
Marissa Arnett

Shirley temples are the epitome of childhood. Add some vodka to the mix and I guess you can call it adulthood. This Dirty Shirley is a great way to reminisce on your childhood while being the independent, responsible adult your parents think you are. 

10. Pop Rocks Cocktail

Valentines Day rice seafood
Danielle Weinstein

This cocktail is an easy way to mix all of the candy you’ll be eating with all of the alcohol you’ll be drinking. In my opinion, it’s called being efficient. It’s easy to make, fun to drink and of course delicious, which is why it’s a great option for your Valentine’s Day festivities. 

Valentine’s Day shouldn’t make you sad, angry or lonely. It’s the perfect excuse to sit around and eat junk food and sip cocktails with your best friends all night. Plus, cable television is flooded with romantic comedies— and let’s face it, everyone loves a good rom-com. 

active enough to go to the gym everyday, but also lazy enough to watch Netflix for 10 hours straight