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cold side dishes

A Ranking Of Cold Side Dishes At A Barbecue

There’s nothing more disappointing than mediocre sides crowding your plate at a barbecue. There’s no denying the goodness of the meats — pulled pork, brisket, burnt ends, need we go on? — but it doesn’t hit the spot unless paired with the perfect partner. Or should I say, partners? One side dish isn’t enough, it takes a variety to complement the flavors and make the meal truly satisfying. So what sides will make your plate pop? Sure mac and cheese will always be a viable option, but what about cold side dishes? Here’s a ranking list of the best cold side dishes to have at a barbecue solely based on taste.

1. Potato Salad

My mouth is watering already! There’s nothing more mouthwatering than cold cubes of potato coated in a creamy sauce. The rich flavors perfectly complement the comforting texture as each spoonful melts in your mouth. Plus, it’s a sneaky way to add a hint of healthiness with crunchy celery and onions, ensuring you meet your vegetable quota with every delicious bite. Worried about it being too complicated to make? No stress, follow our potato salad recipe to make things as simple as possible.

2. Watermelon

There’s no other fruit that embodies the feel of summer like a plump, juicy watermelon. Not only do the red and green colors provide your plate with a pleasing aesthetic, but the fruit also promises the ultimate refreshment on a hot day. Each bite’s juicy sweetness revitalizes your senses, offering a refreshing burst of flavor. Whether cut into cubes or shaped like a pyramid, watermelon is essential for any barbecue party.

3. Coleslaw

No Southern meal is complete without coleslaw. This classic dish is packed with flavors of tangy dressing in a creamy sauce. Fresh vegetables smothered in dressing with a hint of vinegar make for a satisfying cool flavor for hot meat. Unlike potato salad, coleslaw offers a refreshing crunch with every bite, adding a playful texture to the dining experience. Coleslaw is an easy-to-make side with only needing to shred some vegetables, buy Marie’s coleslaw dressing at the store ($3.98 at Walmart), mix, and refrigerate — that’s it! If you do want to make your own dressing, follow our lighter take on the side dish. Coleslaw is a recipe that you can modify in any way you want, ever had mango slaw? Follow the Spoon University recipe here.

4. Pickles

As seen on TikTok with the viral pickle jar sweatshirt and the popular chamoy pickle taste trend, pickles are everyone’s best friend. Pickles can be served in a jar, slices to go on meat, or if you’re feeling spontaneous it can be made into a creamy dill pickle salad. You choose, just know you can never go wrong with pickles.

5. Pasta Salad

Pasta salad stands out as one of the most versatile side dishes, easily adaptable to various tastes and preferences. Whether you prefer to omit tomatoes or load up on red onions, the flexibility of pasta salad allows you to customize it to your liking. However, it’s not a side dish that I️’m running to put on my plate unless it’s the Mediterranean pasta salad. This pasta salad combines robust flavors like olives, feta cheese, and a tangy dressing for a satisfying and refreshing dish.