
15 Vegan Sweet Potato Recipes That Show How Versatile This Veggie Is

It's hard for me to find time to spend in the kitchen. I've found that keeping sweet potatoes around my apartment is a really good idea, so I always have a delicious food fix that's both quick to make and healthy. I've compiled a bunch of my favorite vegan sweet potato recipes for you. 

Whenever it's time to eat, I go on the hunt for the quickest and easiest thing to make, but the nutrition major in me still wants to eat something that's nutritious. This is especially difficult when you're on a tight budget. I'm here to remind you that just because you're busy and shop on a budget doesn't mean you can't eat nutritious (and delicious) meals and snacks. 

1. Sweet Potato and Kale Hash

This sweet potato recipe is a super easy way to incorporate sweet potatoes into your diet in the form of a hash. It's extremely simple and easy to prepare, with only eight ingredients total (including all of the spices). This recipe makes for a perfect snack or side dish for the healthy but busy college student. 

2. Sweet Potato Burritos

When I realized that there was such a thing as vegan sweet potato burritos, I knew I had to give them a try. This amazing burrito recipe is not only extremely nutritious, but it's also packed with flavor. Looking for a healthy meal you can take with you on the go? These sweet potato burritos are the perfect solution.

3. Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Though sweet potatoes can easily be made into a savory meal, I think that we can all appreciate sweet potatoes being just that: sweet. This honey roasted sweet potato recipe incorporates sweet ingredients into the dish, to accentuate the naturally sweet flavors of the potatoes.

I know that some vegans don't consume honey since it technically comes from bees. If this is the case for you, then feel free to replace the honey in this recipe with agave nectar or maple syrup. Either way, you won't be disappointed!

4. Sweet Potato Fries

Who doesn't love the classic side dish of sweet potato fries? This particular recipe is vegan and contains a ton of flavor thanks to the added spices. Give it a try when you're in the mood for a healthy, easy variation of the normal French fry.

5. Almond Milk Mashed Sweet Potatoes

The typical mashed potatoes tend to have a bad rep, and for good reason. Mashed potatoes are usually loaded with unnecessary fat and sodium. But this mashed sweet potato recipe opens up new doors for us healthy eaters out there. Made with seven nutritious ingredients, including our beloved sweet potato, you will find yourself full and satisfied with this dish. 

6. Sweet Potato Brownies

Thought you couldn't incorporate sweet potatoes into your dessert? Think again! These brownies aren't just vegan, but they're also really low in added sugars. Since both sweet potatoes and dates are in this recipe, there isn't much of a need for more sweetness. The only added sugar called for is a few tablespoons of powdered sugar for garnish.

7. Sweet Potato Toast

To be honest, I'd never heard of sweet potato toast before I started working on this article. But I'm a huge toast lover, so naturally I was excited when I finally discovered it. If you're looking for an alternative to your typical toast, this sweet potato toast recipe is a great way to go.

8. Sweet Potato Breakfast Bowl 

This is a great way to incorporate sweet potatoes into your first meal of the day. This sweet potato breakfast bowl recipe is very simple, but you're given the freedom to add toppings of your choice to make it interesting. I love how creative, yet easy this dish is. 

9. Sweet Potato Falafel

I've always been a huge fan of falafel, and now there's a recipe to make it even better and more nutritious. This meal is a great option for non-meat eaters who are looking for some extra protein. It's also packed with flavor due to the variety of delicious spices included in the recipe.

10. Sweet Potato Tater Tots

It's so simple that I can't believe I didn't think of it first! This sweet potato tater tot recipe is a great substitute for regular tater tots. The tater tots themselves are made with only sweet potatoes. The rest of the ingredients are spices or sauces that you can add for flavor. What a great way to enjoy your favorite childhood snack!

11. Sweet Potato, Kale, & Chickpea Bowl

This meal is a good option when you're looking for a quick and nutritious lunch or dinner. It contains a bunch of great veggies and is packed with flavor. Who says plant-based diets have to be boring?

#SpoonTip: If you don't have time to roast a sweet potato, don't be afraid to throw it in the microwave for 4-5 minutes (depending on its size).

12. Sweet Potato Chips

You may be thinking, why not just go to the store and buy some sweet potato chips? But this chip recipe is easier than you'd think. And you'll end up saving money on chips in the process.

13. Roasted Sweet Potato and Brussels Sprouts

This sweet potato and Brussels sprouts recipe is extremely easy and a great option if you're into meal prepping. You simply gather all of the ingredients, stick them on a sheet pan, bake them, and voila! You're set for a week's worth of healthy lunches or dinners.

14. Whipped Sweet Potato

You may be saying to yourself, this girl already mentioned some mashed sweet potatoes in this recipe roundup. But this recipe is very different than the other one that I've listed. While the other mashed recipe has more of a savory flavor, this recipe focuses more on the sweet side of sweet potatoes. It also has some walnuts to add crunch and is made with coconut milk, rather than almond milk. Yum!

15. Sweet Potato Casserole

When I hear the word casserole, my mind immediately wanders to copious amounts of mayo and salt. But lucky for us, there's a casserole recipe with just simple, wholesome ingredients.

If you're ever at a loss for what to eat, now you have a ton of vegan sweet potato recipes that are cheap, quick, and easy to make, even for a busy college student. Sweet potatoes aren't just incredibly nutritious, but they're also incredibly versatile. The possibilities for sweet potato recipes are endless.