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The Best Kinds of Tea to Flavor Your Oatmeal

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UCD chapter.

Oatmeal is a college student’s staple. It’s quick, cheap, and it’s easy when you’re on the run to class but still need to whip up breakfast! Don’t let your oatmeal get boring, though! I love to add spice and flavor (without any added sugar!) by simply cooking my oats in tea rather than water! You can even add your favorite type of milk or a drop or two of stevia to your tea! 


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Serena Ajbani

Chai, a tea hailing from India, adds warm, comforting spices to your oatmeal. Chai in my oats is a personal favorite because I adore the flavors of cardamom, ginger, cinnamon and cloves it adds to my morning oatmeal. You can purchase caffeinated or non-caffeinated chai, depending if you want an extra jolt or not!

Lavender Tea

Lavender brings a sense of relaxation to your oatmeal breakfast, which is perfect for any busy college student! Lavender tea also contains antioxidants, which help detoxify the body. Cook your oats in lavender tea with a drizzle of honey for a touch of sweetness!

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha green tea can be prepared by mixing ground green tea with water. For all the matcha fanatics, this oatmeal is for you! Just be sure not to mix your matcha and oatmeal with a stainless steel utensil and opt for a wooden utensil instead, to preserve the tea’s vibrant color and strong health benefits. 

Pumpkin Spice Tea

Pumpkin spice tea doesn’t just have to be for fall! Enjoy pumpkin spice year-round by cooking your oats in this delicious tea, which will also be so much healthier than a Starbucks PSL!

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos is known as “red tea” because of its rich red color that comes from fermenting the tea leaves. It is a delicious caffeine-free tea to spice up your breakfast! 

Vanilla Tea

Vanilla doesn’t just have to be a flavored syrup you add to your Starbucks lattes or a delicious ice cream or birthday cake flavor! Add vanilla tea to your oatmeal, and you will not be disappointed by this aromatic addition to your morning. 

The beauty of cooking your oats in tea is experimenting with a variety of tea flavors and expressing creativity in the kitchenYou’ll feel like a luxury chef on a college student’s budget!

I love exploring new cities, trying new foods, and learning new things! Avocados are my favorite fruit, and I drink matcha like it's my job. I'm a SoCal girl studying Viticulture and Enology (grape growing & wine making) in NorCal and loving every minute. You'll either catch me wearing Birkenstocks or high heels, and they'll almost always be pink!