
Where to Travel on Spring Break, Based on Your Favorite Gas Station Snack

The weather in Ohio right now is that "I'm-itching-for-Spring-but-it's-still-winter" kind. Every other day it seems there is snow on the ground with freezing winds, or its 40 degrees and raining. It is also that point in the semester when projects, exams, and essays are sneakily beginning to accumulate far too quickly for my liking. Both of these dilemmas facing students have us all dreaming about one thing: Spring Break. 

If you are frantically searching for where to travel for this much-needed vacation, simply head to your local gas station! While your car is filling up, grab a snack and use this list to figure out exactly what to type into Google Maps. Grab a few friends, a rocking playlist, and let the road trip commence. 


If these bright red and neon blue frozen drinks are your go-to gas station treat,  sunny Florida beaches are where you should be road tripping. The coldness of a slushie pairs perfectly with warm days stretched out on the sand. Plus, the *loads* of sugar packed into these will keep you fueled out on the waves. Is the slushie also the ideal base to mix for party drinks? I'll let you decide.

Beef Jerky 

Beef Jerky has never been my snack of choice. But if you're looking for the gas station treat with the most protein, beef jerky is your snack. If you're looking for protein at the gas station, you are probably a pro-athlete or planning a backpacking trip. The best road trip for this snack is to Colorado. Backpacking or skiing in the Rockies is exactly the stress-reliever you need!

Sour Gummy Worms

A sour coating on a sweet, sticky candy is the essence of New York City. Sure, cities are dirty and New Yorkers just don't compare to our Midwestern charm. Yet, there is this wonder and excitement of the diversity and high speed of the big apple. If you crave this sweet candy with just a hint of sour, your road trip will have you heading to Times Square, Broadway, and Central Park.

Little Debbie Snacks

These small, plastic-wrapped cakes, cookies, and pies scream comfort food. If you are satisfying your snacking cravings with a Little Debbie snack, leave your big road-trip dreams on the shelf, you likely are going home to your parents' couch. This is totally fine! You will be saving money, reuniting with your friends from your hometown, and soaking up the comforts of your parents' house! Eat that Cosmic Brownie with pride and enjoy some home-cooked meals this break!

Hot Cheetos 

Hot Cheetos are arguably the most flavorful thing in the small convenience-shop of a gas station. Sure, Cheetos are still a processed cheese snack, but they're a hot cheese snack. There's a difference. If this is your road trip snack, you deserve a break on the spicy side too with a week in New Orleans. Not only does Cajun cuisine match your preferences of food with a little kick (plus, beignets), but New Orleans knows how to throw a party!

Trail Mix

It's right there in the name, trail mix. I know, I know, a lot of people think gas station trail mix is a pretty bland mix of peanuts and raisins, improved only by candy-covered chocolates. However, if this is what you're filling up on when you're waiting for your car to fill up, you are destined to road trip to a national park. This spring break, get your first taste of the outdoors for the year: pitch a tent, kayak down a stream, go for a hike.