
Stocking Your Dorm Room Fridge Is Easier Than You Think

When walking into a 15x12 shoe box that I get to call home for 4 years of college, I was greeted with an even smaller 2x3 dorm room fridge at my arrival. As I entered into my dorm room for the first time freshman year, I asked my self, "What the heck can I fit in here?!"

Well, apparently a lot. 

I can't fit as much as I can in my fridge at home, but I can fit enough to ensure that I'm maintaining a healthy lifestyle while in college. Trust me, healthy eating in college is possible and this list of foods has worked well for me so far.

1. Vegetables

I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely love vegetables. Carrots, cucumber, celery, peppers, string beans, snap peas, broccoli, the list can go on. I eat them both raw and steamed by quickly popping them in the microwave. The best part about vegetables is that they last awhile and you can binge eat them whenever you want.

Because the fridge is so small, that means that the temperature can be iffy, so when I have spinach, lettuce or mixed greens, I tend to keep the temperature on the lowest level. According to my amazing father who is a nutritionist, low temps make the greens last longer since they typically have a quick shelf life.

2. Fruit

Who doesn't like fruit? Fruit lasts longer than vegetables, so I always have plenty of options in my fridge. Pineapple, apples, grapes and berries are always easy on-the-go foods.

No need to worry if your bananas will go bad, because if you don't eat them on time, cut them into small slices and put them in the freezer. Frozen fruit is even better than fresh fruit because it's like candy. 

3. Spreads for dipping

Ranch, hummus, nut butters or any other spread is perfect for a dorm room fridge. These long lasting and tasty spreads are great to match with the fresh foods that you'll have in stock.

My go-to snack is either carrots and ranch or celery and hummus. When I don't have time for a meal between my classes, I always reach for an apple with peanut butter to get me through the rest of the day!

4. Frozen Food

Dorm room freezers are definitely tiny, but I try and fit as much as possible into mine. Frozen food is the best since it never really goes bad.

I have my moms homemade matzah ball soup, Dr. Praeger's famous Kale Veggie Burgers, frozen vegetables and frozen fruit to make sure that I'm making healthy choices. There are plenty of frozen, pre-made meals that you can put in the freezer for when the dinning hall menu is bad. Make sure you always save a little spot in the freezer for Halo Top ice cream though.

In college, it's easy to reach for the bag of chips or candy bar at the dining commons, but eating processed food leaves you feeling crappy and wiped out. Despite popular belief, your tiny, dorm room fridge can be filled with all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Since it is finally spring, there is no reason not to fill your fridge up with colorful food!