Growing up, I would spend my summers in the Dominican Republic to visit my grandparents. When I’d stay over at my grandmother’s house, she would have boxes of baked goods mix, specifically the brownie ones. After a couple of years, it became a tradition to do that every summer. Aside from amazing brownies, she also taught me some tips on how to elevate the boxed mix so that it could taste “homemade.” These small alterations aren’t just for brownies. I also do the same substitutions for boxed cake mix and it works just as well. So, here are six ways to elevate your boxed cake mix.

Swap oil for melted butter

Homemade cakes don’t usually have oil. The addition of butter, specifically melted, will not only enhance the flavor of your cake, but also make it very moist. Swap the amount of oil required on the boxed cake mix with the same amount of melted butter.

No oil or butter? Go for applesauce

I know this sounds weird, but hear me out. The applesauce will have your cake tasting super-rich. For this, you substitute the applesauce with the suggested amount of oil stated on the box.

Another tip: apple sauce is also a great plus ingredient when making pancakes.

Use milk instead of water

Using milk instead of water will provide another level of fat that water wouldn’t (naturally). This higher fat content will give the allure that your mix was made from scratch — it’s all about finessing here! You’ll also be substituting equal amounts of milk and water. You can also use buttermilk as a substitute for a more fluffy cake.

Add a dash of an extract

When baking, vanilla extract and almond extract are typically used to elevate the flavoring. It gives a pizzazz to your baked goods that will leave you wanting more. IMO, extracts are super necessary. Level up your cakes with an extract (or a coffee syrup). If you’re using a vanilla cake mix, added the zest of a lemon or an orange could also be used instead of an extract.

Make homemade frosting

A plain cake is SO GOOD, but adding frosting never hurt anyone. Whip up a quick frosting that will make your cake taste better. You can opt for a cream cheese frosting (this Spoon U recipe is dairy-free), chocolate ganache, or a simple vanilla frosting that is perfect for any occasion.

Plus, the decorating opportunities here are endless!

Add some fillings

Now that you’ve baked your cake, you can live your maximilist dreams by layering your cake and adding fillings. Go crazy here.

For vanilla cakes, go for a strawberry filling — a strawberry shortcake-inspired cake, if you will. On the first layer, pipe vanilla frosting to the rim of the cake. Then add strawberry jam and strawberry chunks in the middle. The vanilla frosting rim will help keep the jam and strawberries from spilling out of the cake.

For chocolate cakes, go for either a vanilla filling or a caramel filling. In the caramel filling, add chocolate frosting to the rim of the cake, then pour a caramel sauce in the middle with a bit of chocolate chips and nuts for added texture.