Now we all want that picture perfect frosting job, but what if you could get it done without having to pay a bakery? There is no need to be a fancy pastry chef, you can use tools you have right in your kitchen and have everyone thinking you’re the next cake boss.
It all starts where the cake Stands
When frosting a cake of any size it always helps to have something high up so you can see all the areas of the cake and even more helpful is something that turns 360 degrees. Sometimes you may have it lying around or you can do a DIY one. Put a dab of frosting on whatever source you will be serving the cake on to prevent it from sliding. If you don’t have a cake stand, turn a large, wide-bottomed mixing bowl upside down and place a plate on top of it. Frosting is easier when the cake is elevated and closer to eye level.
Piping Bags Ready?
First is actually applying the frosting. Now you want to make sure your cake is completely cooled down, otherwise the frosting will melt and will create a sloppy, sticky mess. Tuck overlapping pieces of parchment paper under the edge of the cake; this will help keep your stand clean as you frost, cause we all know sometimes life gets a little messy. You can take a plastic ziplock bag and use it to pipe frosting onto the cake. A tip is to put the baggie into a cup and flip the part where you would close over the rim and you can easily fill the bag with no mess or fuss. Once you fill it, zip it up and snip the tip of the baggie off to create the tip. Now you can use fancy frosting tips if you feel so inclined, but depending on the size you cut off will depend on how much icing that will come out. You can use the bag to pipe icing to coat the cake or use the bag to decorate the cake with different designs or even write on it.
I can’t believe it can be used for more than Butter!

The tool I like to use is my handy dandy butter knife. Flat, easy to handle, and it does the same thing as those fancy cake spatulas that are basically a glorified butter knife. Just keep easy strokes and make sure that it is uniform in the motions you use. So I like to start with placing icing on the top of the cake and working the icing out towards the edges and then to go alone the edges and down the sides. It is all about smooth strokes and not using too much icing or too little.
Get Ready, Get set, Grab your Spatula!
Now you can always use the butter knife, or you could use a handy- dandy spatula. Rubber spatulas come in all different shapes and sizes which can be great for any size cake you make be frosting. From cupcakes to giant wedding cakes, you can choose the right size and the best part is they are easy to wash! They are all pretty much non-stick too so it helps to keep the frosting easily spread onto the cake.
It’s Not always Crumby
When frosting a cake it is important to know the basics once you have selected your weapon… I mean utensil of choice. The first layer is usually the “crumb coat” which acts as the glue that holds the cake together. Now this can be messy and not exactly the cleanest coating, just give the cake a little thin coat of love with the frosting. Once you apply a thin layer of frosting over the cake, pop it into the fridge to solidify and firm up and then you can add more frosting and even add fancy things like fondant and decorations. Now these tips and tricks are so easy anyone can use them whether you have years of culinary experience under your belt, or just love to bake for fun. These are all things you can find in your daily kitchen or grocery store so try out your newfound pastry level knowledge at your next party or special occasion! You could be the next cake boss! For a video on how to actually do these tips and give you a visual watch spoon’s video tutorial on how to frost a cake
Finished off Sweetly
Learning as you go is really the best way. You will see that frosting technique can change depending on the cake you are making and the type of frosting to be used, but the different tools can be used in so many innovative ways. Use a simple butter knife or the edge of a utensil to be as skilled as a master chef fresh out of pastry school.