
Here's Everything You Need to Know About Matcha

If you've been in a Starbucks or any other coffee shop recently you've definitely heard someone order something called a "matcha latte" and get weirdly excited when a drink the color of ground up grass comes out. If you're like me and didn't understand this kind of behavior until recently then keep reading to have all your deepest matcha questions answered.

Matcha lattes are taking over Instagram feeds and coffee shop menus around the country. With an unmistakeable flavor and color, matcha is quickly becoming the trend of 2017. The only question that remains is: what actually is matcha? Don't you worry because I asked and answered all your questions so you can drink your heavenly matcha latte and read on for the answers.

What is Matcha?

In case you've been living under a rock for the past year, matcha is powdered green tea leaves that people use to make everything from lattes to cheesecakes. Traditionally used in Japan by samurai warriors, today matcha is sweeping the country as one one of the hottest new food trends.

Why Is It So Bright?

The brighter it is the better! Brighter matcha is fresher and better quality than other more dull variations because it means that it was grown in the proper environment for the plant. So don't worry if your drink is neon green, that only means it'll be amazing!

Why Is Everyone Drinking It?

Matcha contains about as much caffeine as a normal cup of coffee but it energy benefits that last longer and has been shown to lower people's stress levels. Because matcha doesn't bring with it any jittery sensations, some people see it as a better source of caffeine than coffee.

Is It Actually Good for Me?

Eh. Matcha may not be the holy grail of healthy energy drinks like some people claim, but it definitely has some health benefits. Even more than being a great source of caffeine, matcha is full of antioxidants and antimicrobials.

What Goes in a Matcha Latte?

Matcha lattes can be made with whatever type of milk your heart desires and only a teaspoon or two of the magical matcha powder. If it tastes too bitter for you, sweeten it up with some agave or other type of syrup.

How can I Try It?

Literally imagine any food, or food group, that you like, put the word matcha in front of it and you've got yourself a nice recipe to test out. Matcha ice cream, matcha lattes, matcha crepes, and matcha smoothies are just a few of the green-tinted snacks you can try out. 

What's the Craziest Thing I Can Make with Matcha?

Try these white chocolate, no-bake matcha wafer cookies if you need something easy and simple to try for your first matcha experience!

Basically matcha is the most Instagram-able caffeinated beverage to hit the market since pumpkin spices lattes. If you're not already on trend make sure you grab a latte soon from your closest café, I promise you won't regret it.