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lana fish and chips

What You Should Eat If You Want to Eat Like Lana Condor

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Binghamton chapter.

If I wrote a love letter about my latest celeb girl crush, Lana Condor, there are three things I know I’d definitely include: how much I love her style, how much I love her humble personality, and how much I love her love of food. From her frequent foodstagrams, it’s easy to tell the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before star is an all-out foodie, and has to capture the perfect shot of her food before she chows down. (Girl, same!)

Read on to find out all the food Lana has loved before—and still does—and maybe you’ll find yourself falling for her fave foods, too.


Lana takes brunch seriously, yo. Not only does she love the Sunday staple, but she has mastered the classic over-the-table brunch pic. I mean, look at that French toast!


Some people say they need coffee to properly function throughout the day, and Lana just happens to be one of them. More specifically, she says she drinks coffee for others’ protection. But, for what it’s worth, she makes drinking her much-needed caffeine look frickin’ cute.

In-N-Out Burger

What place is happier: Disneyland or In-N-Out? According to Lana, it’s difficult to decide, but at least she can grab some of the LA chain’s burgers and fries after going on rides all day.


Even after a night out, Lana is totally down to pizza and chill with a classic cheese pie. What’s her fave pizza ever, you ask? Clam pizza from Serious Pie in Seattle. 


You know how she rolls. Lana is a die-hard sushi fan and loves to go on sushi dates with her loved ones, including her castmates from To All the Boys


As if Lana’s going to ramen calm (get it?) when she has the college student-approved noodles put in front of her! She loves ramen so much that she’ll even dress up as it. (If you’re still looking for a Halloween food costume, take note.)


What better food to dive into when you turn 21? Lana celebrated her milestone birthday this year with a plate full of oysters. Here’s to her having much more deserved success—and many more food-filled birthdays—in the years to come! We love our Lana. 

Cherie Litvin

Binghamton '20

Cookie butter enthusiast that likes to dance in grocery aisles