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PrePOPsterous Is Serving Absurdly Flavorful Gourmet Popcorn to JMU

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JMU chapter.

At JMU Spoon, it’s always awesome to hear about local businesses serving great food to the students of JMU. And it is even more exciting when that business is established by a JMU community member. PrePopsterous Gourmet Popcorn combines quality product with the love and care that you can only get from a local business. 

PrePoPsterous‘ Story

PrePopsterous bacon pizza
Kacie Saar

PrePopsterous is run by our very own Tisha McCoy-Ntiamoah, the professional director of the Master of Business program here at James Madison University. She started PrePopsterous in 2015 in the Harrisonburg area in response to her life long love of gourmet popcorn. 

Tisha started working in a gourmet popcorn store when she was a teen and always dreamed of owning her own popcorn company. And when she moved to Harrisonburg in 2004, she started putting that dream into reality. She enrolled in a business program that helps individuals begin the process of setting up culinary businesses.

She also flew back home to the mid-west to learn all she could from the popcorn store she worked at as a teen. Through her experiences visiting, she eventually became a commanding force of all things gourmet popcorn.  

Combined with this new knowledge, help from the Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center, and her passion of popcorn, PrePopsterous was born.   

The Popcorn

PrePopsterous shrimp
Kacie Saar

PrePopsterous only uses high quality kernels, which sets it apart from any kettle corn that can be commonly confused as gourmet. These high quality kernels of corn create a popcorn that is both fluffy and crunchy, making you reach back for more. 

PrePopsterous has many different flavors, from the classic caramel corn (Inspired by JMU’s colors) to the wacky wasabi, each flavor reflects the love and care that goes into every bag of popcorn.

PrePopsterous coffee beer
Kacie Saar

I was lucky enough to try some of these flavors and all were, as the motto states, absurdly flavorful. I tried cheddar, caramel corn, peppermint, and cinnamon. All were delicious but I think my favorite had to be the absurdly peppermint flavor because of it’s resemblance of peppermint bark.

PrePopsterous isn’t stopping with just these amazing flavors either, PrePopsterous is always looking to make new flavors, like its gingerbread and dill flavored popcorn, inspired by some of the owner’s favorite treats.

PrePopsterous gourmet popcorn is delicious, affordable and convenient for all in JMU community. PrePopsterous popcorn starts at $3.50 for the “small” bag of your favorite flavor and can go up to $32 for a 2 gallon tin of your 3 favorite flavors.

And because there isn’t a store front, PrePopsterous can meet up with you on or near campus to deliver your very own customized tin of flavors for all your popcorn needs (i.e. weddings, graduation parties, fundraisers, or a mid-day pick me up).

PrePopsterous vegetable nut
Kacie Saar

PrePopsterous also has a loyalty program that if you return your tin to get a refill, you earn points to get a discount on a future order. So, there really isn’t any reason not to try this amazing gourmet popcorn.

Kacie Saar

Go check out PrePopsterous’ website or Facebook page to find your favorite flavor and order!

Hi, I'm Maddie, the editorial director at JMU Spoon and a biology major with a pre-physical therapy focus. I am an avid italian food enthusiast and I olive a tasteful amount of food puns (see what I did there?). Make sure you check out some of our dope articles at JMU Spoon!