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7 Foolproof Egg Recipes That Will Improve Your Breakfast

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Wake Forest chapter.

I’ve met very few people who don’t like eggs in this world. They are definitely a breakfast staple in the United States. They are also one of the most versatile food that can be eaten with so many breakfast sides. However, a lot of people get overwhelmed by the many ways to cook eggs. Here is a list foolproof egg recipes that will lead to the tastiest breakfasts. 

1. Scrambled 

There was a time when I poured poorly beaten eggs into a skillet and just let them cook for a few minutes on high heat. Needless to say, they didn’t taste very good, I didn’t make them too often, and it definitely was not a foolproof egg recipe. While scrambled eggs are seemingly simple, there are certain “ins and outs” to make them absolutely to die for.  

1. Use a saucepan instead of a skillet—it makes the eggs way fluffier. Turn the stove to a medium-low heat and melt a little butter on the saucepan.

2. Crack your eggs into a bowl and mix them really well until all the white and the yolk are combined.

3. Turn the stove down to low heat and pour the egg mixture into the pan. Immediately use a rubber spatula to move around the eggs so that they don’t stick to the bottom and burn.

4. Continue to mix the eggs on and off every few seconds until they begin to solidify. This will take a few minutes. Turn off the stove before they are completely cooked because the eggs will keep cooking in the pan.

2. Hard Boiled 

I’m really not a huge fan of hard boiled eggs, nor do I make them very often. But everyone needs to know how to make them for their Easter egg painting party, of course. So, here’s your foolproof egg recipe for the perfect painted eggs. 

1. Boil water in a pot on the stove.

2. Drop in your eggs and cover the pot. Let the eggs cook for 8-10 minutes. The longer the eggs are cooked for, the harder the yolk will be.

3. When the time is up, place the eggs in a bowl with ice water for a few minutes.

4. Remove from the ice water and peal the shell off the eggs. 

3. Soft Boiled

foolproof egg recipes
Maya Greenfeld

Soft boiled or 6 minute eggs are basically hard boiled eggs with a runny yolk instead of a solid one. These are similar to poached eggs but with a hard white outside, and you get the same effect of the yolk oozing out when you cut it open. Plus, they are way easier to make. The method is the same as a hard boiled egg, but the cook time is shorter.

1. Boil water in a pot on the stove.

2. Drop in your eggs and cover for exactly six minutes.

3. When the time is up, immediately place the eggs into a bowl with ice water for about three minutes to cool them off.

4. Remove from the ice water and peel the shell off the eggs. 

4. Poached 

foolproof egg recipes
Maya Greenfeld

Poached eggs will always be my favorite egg style in the world. However, they’re also the trickiest to master and least foolproof egg recipe. But that doesn’t mean you can’t perfect them with some trials, error, and a lot of patience. Here’s what you do:

1. Heat a pot of water on the stove until the water begins to bubble.

2. Add a little salt and a tablespoon of white wine vinegar to the water.

3. Turn down the heat to a simmer.

4. Crack an egg into a bowl, keeping the yolk intact. With a spoon, quickly swirl the water in a circular motion.

5. Remove the spoon and immediately (and carefully) pour the egg into the center of this swirling. Leave the egg to cook for 2-3 minutes.

6. When you can’t see the yolk anymore and there is a nearly opaque white surrounding it, carefully remove the egg with a slotted spoon.

Finally, slice the egg with a knife and admire the runny yolk oozing out. 

5. Sunny Side Up 

Sunny side eggs, in my opinion, are the happiest of eggs—their names says it all. They’re really easy to make and always look picturesque.

1. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add butter, and let melt.

2. Crack the egg into the pan and reduce to low heat.

3. Place a lid on the pan and cook until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny, which takes about two minutes.

4. Remove the lid and then remove the egg from the pan. 

Enjoy the beautiful contrast of yellow and white on this sunny-looking egg style.

6. Over Easy, Medium & Hard 

foolproof egg recipes toast butter
Kirby Barth

The first egg that I ever made well was over easy. I would always top my avocado toast with this and dip the bread in the oozing yolk that spilled out and coated the plate. This is basically a sunny side up egg but the yolk is hidden within the white because both sides are fried. The longer the egg is cooked for, the harder the yolk gets, becoming over-medium or over-hard.

1. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add butter, and let it melt.

2. Crack the egg into the pan and reduce the heat to low. Allow the egg to set and white to firm.

3. When it looks cooked, around 30 seconds, flip the egg over. Depending on whether you want over easy, medium, or hard will depend on how long your egg cooks here. The shorter the time, the runnier the yolk and vice versa. 

7. Omelette 

The last style of various eggs that you can perfect is an omelette. Omelettes are perfect because you can put anything on the inside from various types of cheeses to meats to vegetables. The possibilities are as grand as the styles of eggs. Making an omelette begins with similar steps to making scrambled eggs.

1. Whisk two or three eggs with salt and pepper in a bowl until all the parts are combined. The more you beat the eggs, the fluffier your omelette will turn out.

2. Heat a skillet on medium-high heat and melt butter in the pan.

3. Pour the egg mixture into the pan. The edges will cook quickly and the center will take longer.

4. Slowly, push the cooked edges towards the uncooked center with a rubber spatula while tilting the pan.

5. Once there is no visible liquid, add cheese and any other fillings on half of the omelette.

6. With a spatula, fold the half of the omelette without any fillings over the fillings half.

7. Flip the folded omelette over to cook the other side for just a few more seconds before removing from the heat. 

With all of these options of various eggs and foolproof ways to make them, you will never get bored of eating eggs, nor will you want to! It can be tricky to perfect the process, especially since there are so many options, but don’t get discouraged. Use this guide to practice until your cooking skills make eggs taste better than ever. 

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Maya Greenfeld

Wake Forest '21