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These Delicious Maple Goodies Will Have You Feeling Like a True Vermonter

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at UVM chapter.

If Vermont is known for two things, it’s maple syrup and cows. And while we might have been a little too late for “sugar-on-snow,” we’ve compiled a list of treats to keep you thinking about maple all year ’round! 

August First Bakery’s Famous Maple Biscuits

These beautiful towers of sweetness and buttery, flaky crust are best served with August First‘s homemade raspberry jam. Lucky for us, you can pick up a case of maple biscuits to go, or enjoy with a warm cappuccino at their Burlington cafe. 

Maple Lattes

Known to UVM students as a “Maple Madness,” this iconic Vermont beverage brings together powerful espresso notes with the sweetness of Vermont maple syrup. To make at home, add a dose of maple syrup to your latte, stir, and enjoy. 

Maple Candy

These tiny treats are the perfect pick-me-up on the way to class. They’re made by molding maple syrup into delicate little molds or can even be found on the end of a lollipop stick!

Maple Roasted Veggies

Brussel sprouts might not be your favorite food in the entire world, but it can’t hurt to glaze them with maple syrup (and if you’re carnivorous, sprinkle some bacon) on them before you bake them. Maple also brings out the sweetness in red onions and can be used to glaze sweet potatoes! 

Maple Creemees

Nothing is as satisfying as a cold maple creemee during the summer. And if you call them “soft serves”- we hate to tell you that you’ve been mistaken. 

Sap! Maple Seltzer and Soda

Need a little abv-free buzz in your life? Try Sap!‘s collection of maple seltzers and sodas. They’re made with pure Vermont maple syrup and provide the perfect fizzy medley of maple flavors. 

Maple Milkshakes

A childhood favorite with a Vermont twist! If you’re feeling nostalgic, pour a little bit of maple syrup into a blender with vanilla ice cream, milk, and blend until creamy. You can top with walnuts for an added crunch, or find the biggest straw possible to sip happy! 

Maple Cookies

Whether you’re a sucker for the filled, hurt-your-teeth sweet varieties sold at Trader Joes or a homemade drizzled maple cookie, you can never really go wrong with anything maple-infused. You can also use maple as a substitute for sugar in almost all baked dishes. Although we can’t definitively say that it’s healthier, it sure tastes much better. 

Sara found her passion for writing and editing as an editorial intern (and later copy editor, managing editor, and editorial director) at bSmart Guide: an online women's publishing platform focused on women's wellness and professional mentorship. She became the president and editorial director at Spoon University-Vermont in March 2020. When she's not writing, Sara enjoys reading, fitness, yoga, and hiking. She currently lives in Vermont and studies Environmental Studies, Food Systems, and Nutrition & Food Science at UVM. After graduation, she plans on pursuing a M.S. in Agricultural Extension Education and becoming a 4-H Youth Development Coordinator.