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The Ultimate Senior Year, Second Semester Bucket List

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at U Vic chapter.

The clock is officially ticking towards the end of senior year and I can’t tell if I need a shot, a hug, or a party hat. Leaving university behind is a mixed bag because on one hand, it means freedom and fun adult purchases like Crock Pots, but on the other hand, what if I become unemployed forever and burn my house down with my new slow cooker?

The truth is, I’m not going to know how life after senior year is going to turn out until I’m (potentially) smelling the fumes, so I might as well enjoy the time I have left. Here are all the things you’ll want to accomplish or try before senior year is over. 

1. Tell Your Favorite Professor How Cool They Are

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It’s like leaving a nice review on RateMyProf.com, but so much better. 

2. Use All The Student Discounts While You Still Can

What do you say when you hear your favorite fast food places offer money off with a valid student ID? I’m lovin’ it (but only for the next four months or so.)

3. Plan Weekend Trips With Your Friends

In the past, we’ve all offered up more weekends than we would like to the inside of a library. This semester, take some time to change up your scenery before it’s too late. As a wise kid in my mandatory study group once said, “Life is what happens while you’re studying.”

4. Learn How to Make Something Other Than Ramen

acai in Gainesville girl eating Smoothie Bowl
Julia Gilman

There will come a day very soon where our bodies really stop putting up with late night carbs and three bowls of Instant Noodles a day. That post-grad weight gain makes Freshman 15 look like nothing. 

If you aren’t already stalking the Spoon University Recipes page before every meal you make, stop everything and make that the first thing on your bucket list. Then immediately go stalk it yourself. 

5. Host One Last Rager 

Crowd, audience, spectator and event HD photo by Jade Masri (@jademasri) on Unsplash
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You don’t have to renew your lease anyways, so leave the issues for the next tenants, even if they are your younger friends. They’ll understand, right?

6. Go Somewhere You’ve Never Been For Spring Break

Planning a trip over coffee photo by rawpixel.com (@rawpixel) on Unsplash
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If you’re fresh out of ideas and/or money, you’re going to want to take a look at where Red Bull wants to send 200 college kids for Spring Break.

7. Take a Class Completely Outside of Your Major

Auditorium photo by Mikael Kristenson (@mikael_k) on Unsplash
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This might be one of the best classes you take and provide some much-needed variety in your academic life. Basket weaving, anyone?

8. Hold a Pot Luck with All Of Your Friends

senior year sushi
Gabby Phi

You might be blown away by the hidden culinary talents of your friends, or you might be blown away by the utter lack of culinary skills any of you have acquired in the past four years. I don’t know how we survived this long. Either way, grab some plates and refer back to #4.

9. Explore Your College Town More

Camera, photography, photographer and man HD photo by Alicia Steels (@aliciasteels) on Unsplash
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Whether you’re an in-stater, moved across the country, or moved out of the country for school, these last couple of months could be your last chance to soak up everything your college town has to offer. 

10. Write Down Your Favorite Memories 

Journaling over coffee photo by Thought Catalog (@thoughtcatalog) on Unsplash
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It will be like “The Notebook,” for when we’re old and can’t remember it anymore, but with more frat boys and less romantic boat rides.

11. Start Applying for Internships and Jobs ASAP

senior year candy sweet
Laura Whitmer

By far the most terrifying item on this list, but seriously important for being able to do fun things like eat and pay for electricity in the future. Don’t be afraid to apply for jobs that seem “out of your league”—you never know what could happen.

12. Call Your Parents

city cake tea
Jocelyn Hsu

The likelihood that we’ll move back in with our parents at some point in the next couple of years is higher than we would all like to admit, so do yourself a favor and stock up some brownie points in advance. 

13. Clean Up Your Social Media

University of Hartford cake pizza
Becky Hughes

 See under: why you should always untag yourself from branded club pictures. Make sure there’s nothing on your social media that you wouldn’t want your grandma (or future employers) to see.

14. Start Saving Up For Your Grad Trip

Cute piggy bank photo by Fabian Blank (@blankerwahnsinn) on Unsplash
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This might not be in the cards for everyone, but if you are planning on jetting off post-grad, the earlier you start saving, the better. Even little things like making coffee at home and saving the $5 you would have spent go a long way.  

15. Write Out Your Goals For Life After Graduation

Writing in a journal photo by Cathryn Lavery (@cathrynlavery) on Unsplash
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Who do you want to be in five years? 10 years? 20? It’s OK if you don’t know yet, but it doesn’t hurt to start thinking about it. 

16. Decide Whether You Want That College Sweetheart to be a Post-College S.O.

senior year beer tea
Olivia D’Aiutolo

If things are looking rocky now, or you’re just sticking with it because it’s convenient, they fit into your friend group, and look good in your university colors, it might be time to make some hard decisions. If it’s not good now, it likely won’t get better post-grad. 

17. Learn How To Budget

Laptop and notepad photo by Nick Morrison (@nickmorrison) on Unsplash
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Budgeting is hard until it isn’t anymore. At least that’s what my mom tells me—I’m still firmly in the hard state. Why are there so many numbers? What do you mean I’m supposed to use excel equations? If you’re also budget challenged, maybe these apps can help us out before we walk the stage. 

18. Keep Track Of Your Favorite Memories

Organized, polaroid, decoration and collection HD photo by Soragrit Wongsa (@invictar1997) on Unsplash
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TAKE ALL THE PICTURES. And videos while you’re at it. You’ll want to remember these times forever, even when you have a hard time remembering anything else. 

19. Write a Letter To Your Future Self

Students learning together photo by Alexis Brown (@alexisrbrown) on Unsplash
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This is the end of an era. It might be worth remembering who you were before you entered the “real world.”

20. Whatever You Do, Don’t Mention Anything Your Parents Are Still Paying For

Young boy covered in mud photo by Carolina Sanchez B (@caritophoto1) on Unsplash
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Family cell phone plan, insurance, Netflix account, whatever it is—milk those perks for as long as you possibly can. If you don’t mention it, maybe they won’t either.

21. Fix Any Past Bad Blood That You Can

Take this flower photo by Evan  Kirby (@evankirby2) on Unsplash
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Ask yourself if it will matter in 10 years, maybe even five years. If not, then let it go and/or apologize. 

22. Take Some Time To Concentrate On Yourself

DIY face and hair masks vegetable cucumber
Julia Gilman

Things are going to get stressful. Scratch that, things are already stressful. Make sure you don’t burn out before the finish line and do what you want to do before your college-shaped window closes. 

23. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Covering eyes, women, friend and portrait HD photo by Sam Manns (@sammanns94) on Unsplash
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I can barely handle comparing GPAs, so this might be one of my biggest “serious” bucket list items. People are going to start getting engaged, having kids, and buying adorable puppies— it is totally OK if you are not one of them. Everyone is on a different life path for a reason.

24. Cherish All The Time You Have With Your Friends Now

Happy fresh graduates photo by Jonathan Daniels (@dear_jondog) on Unsplash
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See above: people getting engaged and needing to house train their new dogs instead of having wine night. This might be one of the last times all of us are in one city, let alone all going to the same place every single day.

25. Accept How Scared Out of Your Mind You Are, But Don’t Dwell On It

Happiness! photo by Ariel Lustre (@ariellustre) on Unsplash
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The graduation train is underway, whether I scream my head off and run up and down the aisles about it the whole way there or not. That doesn’t mean I am not absolutely scared out of my mind. The real world is mean and scary and doesn’t serve unlimited spicy fries on Fridays. It is also exciting and filled with endless possibilities and other types of fries. I’m not going to let that fear ruin my last few months of some of the best years of my life. 

She loves food so much it's the only thing she eats.