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9 Netflix Documentaries to Watch If You Need Inspiration

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at U Iowa chapter.

There’s just something about watching food—the making of, the eating of, the history of—that’s oddly satisfying, just ask that girl in the corner of your lecture with her laptop, casually watching Chopped on Netflix. And if you’re living in the dorms, watching food documentaries can help you imagine that lukewarm ramen you’re slurping is actually a bowl of exotic cuisine.

Not only that, but food documentaries are actually insanely informative—I mean, how else are you going to learn about the intricate design of a two-foot-hotdog-stuffed baguette?

These documentaries are literally food for thought. Because, in all honesty, we should think more about what we’re putting into our bodies.

Listed here are several documentaries on the subject of food. Be sure to keep some munchies on hand, because you’re gonna need them.

Food, INC.

The vast majority of us—well, except for, like, the vegans and the vegetarians—hardly consider the life our food had led before it arrived at our mouths, cooked and innocent.

Food, INC. uncovers the hidden secrets of the food industry; chickens too big to stand, cows living in their own waste, and local farmers overtaken by massive corporations paint a very different picture of the idealized pastoral image of American farming.

As one interviewee states, “if we put glass walls on all the mega processing factories, we would have a different food system in this country.” If the thought of what might be happening behind those thick, industrial factory walls doesn’t scare you, I promise it will after watching this documentary.

Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead

Follow alongside Joe Cross on his journey across the country in search of mental and physical wellness. He interviews people on the street about obesity and the country’s health habits, and his conversations are sure to both amuse and educate.

This documentary shows the importance of taking your health into your own hands and feeding your body so that it stays strong and viable. It also has a bunch of information on juice, and liquidated fruits and veggies make a great snack for any movie.

Fed Up

I think we can all look fondly back on childhood sweets—and, of course, dessert has a place in every diet—but the sheer amount of artificial sugar consumed by today’s youth is a danger that goes largely under-discussed. Part of this sad lack of attention can be attributed to the normality of feeding children processed food instead of natural nutrients. 

Children today are expected to live shorter lives than their parents. The average school lunch contains twice as much sugar as a tin of M&M’s. If that doesn’t make you Fed Up, I don’t know what will.

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

On the surface, this documentary might come off as a showy way to display some succulent fish—but it’s actually much, much more than that. Well, not that an hour and a half long movie about sushi would be bad. But, bear with me.

This documentary is about the hard work of one man—Jiro. He’s the world’s best, owning a restaurant in Tokyo that must have reservations booked months in advance. However, with his genius, his near-perfect precision, comes an obsession that weighs heavy on the shoulders of the 75-year-old chef. You too will probably have dreams of sushi after this.

Steak (R)evolution

When many Americans think of “beef,” the common hamburger is probably the first image that comes to mind. However, as our nation endeavors to shift from an era of processed farming to more sustainable practices, it’s time we stop and appreciate the lifecycle of this adored meat.

In his search for the best steak in the world, Director Franck Ribière visits restaurants in every corner of the globe, from Brooklyn to Japan. Discover the methods of farming, butchery, and processing of various kinds of beef in different cultures. Heck, maybe cook some for the show, too.

Street Food Around the World

Let’s face it—street food is not only fast and convenient, but it almost always tastes like heaven. Even UIowa added a Street Hawk Food Truck, which, let me tell ya, has some amazing pretzel bread. It makes sense, then, that street vendors elsewhere offer wondrous foods, from trucks to marketplaces.

Each episode takes the viewer on an adventure to places they may never travel but, through food, we can get a taste of what it might be like to live there. This show gives some insight into the unique cultures around the world, all tied together by the love of great food. 

Fittest on Earth

Several champion athletes struggle to conquer the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Challenge in this inspiring sports documentary. Binge watching Netflix kind of counts as a marathon, right? If you need some motivation to get off the couch and head to your local gym, put this bad boy on and don’t forget to power up with some protein as you watch these amazing men and women compete for the title.

If you’re looking to be astonished by the capacity of the human body—and the mind, because these people are enduring intense mental strain as well—then this is the documentary for you.

First Position

There’s always been something about dancers—the grace in their every moment, the dedication to their art, the passion glinting in their eyes—that makes me cry. Seriously, these are some of the most beautiful people on earth.

First Position follows six spectacular youth as they struggle to make it in this violently competitive profession. They are among the thousands that strive to enter one of the world’s largest competitions in ballet—the Youth America Grand Prix. Bloodied feet, broken bones, mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion—they endure all of this—and more—in order to pursue their dreams of becoming professional dancers. And if that doesn’t motivate you to never give up, nothing will.

Pumping Iron

Considered one of the best bodybuilding documentaries ever made, Pumping Iron follows world-famous Arnold Schwarzenegger as he and his fellow lifters prepare for the 1975 Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia competitions. Once again, we see that strength is more than physical—this world requires mental and psychological training as well.

It also shows the human side to these monstrous men—they laugh, have fun, and live their lives the way any of us do. At the end of the day, they are people with the full range of emotions that each of us experience. This will motivate you that, through self-motivation and dedication, even the seemingly impossible can be achieved.

Odds are, you’re already watching Netflix when you’re studying anyway, so why not make the most of procrastination by learning some things while you avoid learning other things. And maybe, in the process, some of these documentaries will motivate you to get shit done. Or, at least to eat good food.

"I think the carrots counteract the vodka, like, health-wise, right?"An intern for HQ this summer!