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Five Reasons You Should Join Spoon University at Stanford

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Stanford chapter.

For those of you who scour social media for the best egg #yolkporn during the transition period between working on a p-set and a paper, awkward minutes before section starts, or solo dinners spent in Arrillaga Dining (or all of the above, like me), Spoon University is for you! 

Spoon University is a food and health publication that’s written by college students, for college students, and exists at universities across the world. Stanford’s chapter is in dire need of some of your fresh and fun food (and don’t forget the booze) perspectives, so we need your help. Here are five reasons why you should join Spoon University at Stanford to make your Stanny Spring quarter that much better:

1. You would sell your soul for food.

As self-proclaimed, hardcore foodies, Spoon members constantly talk about, eat, write about, eat, take pictures of, eat, and record videos of food. From sharing how to make breakfast in the dining hall fun and healthy, to figuring out the best pancakes in every state, Stanford Spoonies craft articles about, snap photos, and make videos of their good (and sometimes not-so good) experiences with any and all things food.

2. You can finally have a Foodstagram with all the perks and none of the stress.

If you’re like me and had ambitions to run a wildly successful food blog, Instagram, etc., but this wish crashed and burned –

like your GPA – with the advent of Winter quarter, Stanford Spoon is perfect for you. Enjoy the stress-free luxury of posting only when you snap an exceptionally satisfying food pic or video. Be proud of your #phoneeatsfirst habits and rack up the likes on our Instagram, @spoon_stanford.

3. It looks fab on your resume.

Companies love extracurricular activities – and so do we Stanford students. Spoon University is constantly growing and continually successful at the global level, so it’s a good look on your resume (can confirm –  it’s a hit in interview talk). So ditch that high school fallback of National Honor Society Member and replace it with your invigorating Stanford Spoon University membership accolades.

4. You enjoy writing, marketing, photography, and/or video-making.

Didn’t get into Cell Phone Photography or the Rhetoric of Food this quarter? Never fear, Spoon Stanford is here. If you want to further develop your photography, video-making, and writing (or all of the above) skills, Spoon is the perfect platform. In addition to helping you with your own pieces, Spoon HQ works with college interns in different capacities. So you might be able to have your SusieCakes article and your career, too.

5. It is not as time consuming as you think.

Yes, you will have time for Spoon, school, and all the social delights that a Spring quarter at Stanford has to offer. Our meetings are only once a month, and you can write articles, take pictures, design recipes, and do other fun food things on your own time. We all have classes to attend, p-sets to struggle over, sleep to never catch up on, and darties to take part in – but Spoon exists as the cathartic part of your days.

If these reasons aren’t enough to convince you to join Spoon, I hope that these insanely delicious-looking Bay Area eats do the trick. So if you’re interested in joining Stanford’s Spoon chapter, apply here, and expect to be contacted shortly after completing the application. If you have any questions, email me at jacklyn2@stanford.edu. Xoxo, Stanford Spoon (#neverforks).

Jacklyn McNulty

Stanford '19

I'm Jackie, but I'll answer to my well-deserved nickname of McSnacky. I love food, I love to write, and I love writing about food. As a recent Stanford University Human Biology graduate (and as an ex-pole vaulter on the Track & Field team), I studied the human health-food interaction through a variety of different lenses – from my own performance-based nutrition plan to coursework spanning across: Human Biology; Earth Systems; Psychology; Economics; and Health Policy, to name a few. And though my everyday university life has ended for the time being, my interest in the intersection of the food and healthcare systems remains. Healthcare consulting serves as my first professional step in the ladder leading towards a career in this intersection.