Fall is a time for cooler weather, changing leaves, apple cider… and the infamous Skidmore plague.
For Freshmen who are unfamiliar with the Skidmore plague, it comes in many forms, most of which resemble the common cold.
If you are trying to prevent yourself from getting sick or are already sick and want to make it go away, this list is for you.
These 10 foods can strengthen your immune system and help you get over your cold faster. Plus, you can find most of these items in DHall.
1. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and lemons are loaded with vitamin C, and while vitamin C cannot prevent you from getting sick, studies show that it can reduce the length and severity of symptoms. Citrus is also a good source of flavonoids, which reduce the risk of getting a cold or cough.
2. Dark Chocolate
Yes, chocolate. Not just any chocolate, though. Chocolate containing 70% or more cocoa can actually help you get over your cold faster and prevent you from getting sick. How? Well, cocoa contains flavonoids, similar to citrus, plus theobromine, which has been proven to relieve a bad cough. In fact, researchers have found that it works even better than codeine, a drug commonly used to relieve persistent cough.
3. Red Bell Pepper
Red bell peppers are extremely high in vitamin C. In fact, one pepper contains twice the daily recommended value of vitamin C. That’s a whole lot of immune-boosting power packed into one vegetable (well, fruit if we’re being technical…).
4. Hot Soup
There’s nothing better than a bowl of hot soup when you’re feeling under the weather. Broth-based soups are hydrating, which is important when you have a runny nose. The warmth can also help soothe a sore throat and ease congestion.
5. Hot Tea
Green tea contains anti-inflammatory and anti-infective compounds which have been shown to help shorten a cold. Peppermint tea can help soothe an upset stomach and works as a natural decongestant. Echinacea tea activates anti-inflammatory chemicals in the body that can help shorten your cold symptoms.
Whatever your tea preference, opt for decaf. Caffeine is dehydrating, and hydration is key to getting over a cold in a timely manner.
6. Honey

Photo by Rachel Dyckman
Honey is ideal for suppressing a cough and soothing a sore throat. Add a teaspoon to your tea, or eat a teaspoon before bed to keep coughing at bay while you sleep.
7. Ginger
Ginger is a natural decongestant and antiviral, which means it helps to kill some of the nasty cold-causing germs. It also helps to relieve pain and achey muscles in addition to reducing a fever. All in all, ginger is a cold-busting superfood.
8. Garlic
Garlic boosts your immune system and can actually help prevent you from getting sick. In fact, one study showed that subjects who consumed a daily garlic supplement caught 63% fewer colds than those who took a placebo. Regular garlic consumption can also shorten the length of a cold by up to 70%.
9. Mushrooms

Photo by Nina Orlando
No, not the hallucinogen. Mushrooms like portobello, button, and oyster, contain antiviral proteins that can kill the cold-causing germs.
10. Yogurt

Photo by Rachel Dyckman
Some studies have shown that eating probiotic-rich yogurt daily can help reduce your susceptibility to colds. The probiotics are thought to stimulate the production immune-boosting substances. Those who are vegan or dairy free can opt for soy, almond, or coconut yogurt containing live cultures to get the same effect.