Now that temperatures have reached their summer highs, we have swapped out our winter coats for bathing suits. These wonderful warm temperatures have also caused us to heat up a little more, making us feel like we are literally going to melt and turn into a pile of sweat.
Now we are in dire need of food to keep us ~cool~. As important as hydration is, and as nice as the thought of a glass of cold water tastes after a long hot day, water isn’t gonna cut it when you’re hungry and verging on hangry. Don’t worry, though, because these foods will keep you cool for the summer and keep you full and happy.

Photo by Emily Hu
As if we needed another reason to eat more avocados this summer. Avocados are the fruit with the highest amount of monosaturated fatty acids, which helps remove heat and toxin from the blood.
Avocados are also easily digested, so your body will not need to work extra hard and create more heat to digest the food. So take advantage of those perfectly ripe summer avocados and cool down with one of these recipes.

Photo by Jocelyn Hsu
Bananas are an astringent food, which means it causes your tissue to shrink, allowing for the absorption of more water which cools your core.
Bananas are a great cooling snack if you’re on the go and need something quick to boost your energy and cool you down. If you’re not in a rush and don’t feel like just peeling and eating the delicious fruit, try one of these unexpected ways to eat a banana.

Photo by Torey Walsh
According to Chinese medicine, berries are all very alkaline, which means that they will generate cold energy in the body and cool you down. Berries are also high in water, so they help thin the blood and release heat.
Berries make great snacks and are super sweet in the summer so try some of these creative ways to eat berries next time you’re burnin’ up.
Citrus Fruits

Photo by Hannah Leverson
With so many options to choose from, you’ll have no issue finding the perfect citrus fruit for you. Citrus fruits are super cooling thanks to their ability to help break down fatty foods and aid in digestion. By helping with digestion, these fruits are making your body work less and ultimately produce less heat.

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This very versatile fruit gives you coconut water, oil and the fruit all in one. When you eat coconut, you are getting not only the benefits from the coconut water but also from the actual coconut fruit as well. They are naturally filled with electrolytes which help keep you hydrated and cool.
#SpoonTip: Drink a glass of coconut water after a night out to help avoid a hangover the next morning.

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Cucumber’s high water content will help you “stay as cool as a cucumber” and force you to eat your veggies when it’s hot out. Cucumber is a diuretic so it will also help flush out toxins, help with hangovers and aid in digestion. Just slice some up and sprinkle on some salt for the perfect snack.

Photo by Jocelyn Hsu
Melon is about ninety-five percent water making them the ultimate cool down food. They are relatively low in calories and also a diuretic, which means they help rid your body of toxins. With so many different types of melons out there, you are sure to find at least one that you will love.
Have some leftover honeydew? Try this summery cocktail.

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The words mint and cool are practically synonymous. Mint is a cooling herb that can be used in cooking, smoothies, in water or simply just chewed on. Aside from eating mint, you can also use peppermint oil to give you that chilly feeling and to help relieve stress.
Poppy Seeds

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Who would have known that poppy seeds are a necessary ingredient in many cooling medicines? Besides being used for cookies, cakes and bagels, poppy seeds can help quench thirst and internally cool the body.
This poppy seed salad dressing is the perfect finishing touch to make the ultimate cooling salad.

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Nothing screams summer like an ice-cold fruit popsicle by the pool. This icy treat will cool you down while simultaneously satisfying your sweet tooth. Try adding some of the other cooling fruits and fruit juices for the perfect summer cool down treat.
Spicy Peppers

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I know this one sounds a little counter-intuitive, but spicy peppers will actually help you cool down. Spicy peppers can make you sweat, causing your body to trigger its cooling mechanisms. This is why people that live in very hot climates or deserts often have lots of spicy foods in their diets.
Try this spicy jalapeño margarita for the perfect poolside drink that will get you drunk and cool you down.

Photo by Kathleen Lee
Watermelon is the quintessential summer fruit. No barbecue or pool party is complete without watermelon wedges being served up for dessert.
This is probably not only because it is absolutely delicious, but watermelon is also super cooling and hydrating. Watermelon is made up mostly of water so it stays cold and when you eat it, it will help you stay cool.
Instead of basic watermelon wedges, try making this summer salad at your next party.

Photo by Maggie Harriman
Put down the ice cream and pick up a bowl of yogurt this summer. No, don’t do this just because yogurt is healthier, but because of yogurt’s high water content. It will cool you down more than even ice cream can.
#SpoonTip: As delicious as ice cream is, you should stay away from it if you are trying to truly cool down. Because your body has to work very hard to break down the calorically dense ice cream, in the end, it will actually warm you up rather than cool you down.