Let me start by saying that my friends all hardcore judge me for the amount of time that I spend on Bumble. It’s safe to say that I’m addicted. For those of you who aren’t familiar with how Bumble works, or how it’s different from Tinder, the girl has to message first or the match disappears in 24 hours — talk about pressure.
Now, if you’ve been on the receiving end of a message on a dating app, you already know that you can’t go very far with a casual “hey, what’s up, hello” message. Instead, you really have to think outside of the box to get a conversation started. Insert — food-inspired pickup lines.
After several hours of swiping right and sending cheesy lines, I was surprised with how quickly messages started rolling in. Actually, I would say I received more replies than normal. You can see my results for yourself.
You look like a bowl of ice cream, I just want to spoon you.
Well-played, sir. Well-played.
Your name must be Coca Cola, because you’re soda-licious.
Getting a pickup line back is always a good thing.
You’re looking so sweet, you’ve got my eyes glazed over like doughnuts.
At least he was honest. It’s also important to note that 4/5 of my pictures are from when I worked for Disney last year.
The stealing of this line is actually encouraged.
Are you a fruit? Cause honeydew you know how fine you look right now?
0/10 for creativity. 8/10 for calling me gorgeous.
You’re spicier than Sriracha.
I don’t understand the question. Just take the compliment.
You must put a lot of spices in your food because you look smoking hot.
Also clever.
If you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple.
Perfect response — too bad we cantaloupe.
You’re as intoxicating as home distilled liquor.
Yes. Yes, I am.
If you were a burger at McDonald’s, you’d be named McStunning.
It’s flattering to be compared to cheap breakfast food.
If I wrote a cookbook, you’d be the featured recipe.
It broke his heart when I told him I consulted Google.
I froze some raspberries last summer. You’re hot enough to defrost them.
It’s my new personal favorite.
Use this one to get a date.
You must be one spicy dish because you’re making my heartburn.
This guy likes it so it must be good.
IDK how I would take this one either, honestly.
Do you like strawberries or blueberries? ‘Cuz I need to know what pancakes to make you in the morning.

Beggers can’t be choosers.
Are you a pizza at a Chinese buffet? Because I want you, but can I trust you?
This isn’t the best line on the list, but this reply was unnecessary if you ask me.
A positive reaction to this line.
And someone with a sense of humor.
This line, by far, got the most responses.
I think we’d grow a great organic garden together.
I think we’re engaged. IDK.
What do you call dinner at Olive Garden? Our first date.
You can replace Olive Garden here with any restaurant. So, it’s good for flexibility.
Are you from Starbucks? Because I like you a latté.
Someone doesn’t like Starbucks.
This guy appreciates Starbucks.
I got a round of applause for this one.
Have you been eating Lucky Charms? Because you’re looking magically delicious.
He captioned this for me.
IDK what you mean by that, my friend.
You should try these lines at your own risk — no replies or dates are guaranteed. However, these food pickup lines are fun if you’re bored and not looking for anything serious. Happy swiping, fellow daters!