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Mile High Mocktails: The DU Student’s Mixer That Doesn’t Need to be Mixed

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at DU chapter.

The typical college student faces two small, yet, frustratingly relevant issues regularly: the fear of missing out and the lack of obtainable, delicious mixers. Well, thanks to student-run Mile High Mocktails, these issues can easily be resolved. 

The mocktail delivery service, founded by Isabelle Thompson, Peter Frank, Haden Wright, Griffin Rappaport, and Max Sanson seeks to provide University of Denver students with freshly made, delicious mocktails at a low cost, creating a night to remember for both the over and under-21ers.

How it Began

mile high mocktail
Amelia Schwartz

The idea for Mile High Mocktails sprouted the way most great business startups do at this school: in a Daniels College of Business class. The entrepreneurship class, called From Idea to First Dollar Sale, focuses on startups — how and why they fail or succeed and how to start one of our own. Challenged to kickstart a business that will make a profit and an A grade, Isabelle Thompson and her fellow classmates began brainstorming. 

“[We] talked about this idea to do a delivery service on campus for certain mixers,” says Thompson. “The whole idea kind of revolved around our experience of running out of chasers or juices at parties and pregames and manipulating that issue as a consumer into a solution,” And with that, the group of students set out to replace the unpleasant C-Store and 7/11 runs for high-quality mocktails delivered straight to your door.

What They’re Making

mile high mocktail lime vegetable
Renee Chiu

The Mile High Mocktail team has researched, created, and taste-tested a wide variety of mocktails in order to settle on two permanent menu items: Moscow Mule and Mojito. The mule contains ginger beer, mint leaves, lime juice, and a little bit of sugar syrup and the Mojito contains the same, with club soda in place of ginger beer. Both are only $3, but look out for special promotions like the “buy 3 get 4 deal”. 

Who They’re For

The average Pioneer may look at the word “mocktail” and think, “what is this, an Orientation Week event?” But we can guarantee, these mocktails are anything but juvenile. The freshly prepared mixers are tasty enough to pair well with any meal (though I will always recommend a bowl from Illegal Pete’s). They can be you Red Solo Cup fuel when you’ve got an 8 a.m. exam the next day but most importantly, the mocktails “allow students to safely immerse themselves in nightlife and comfortably become familiar with socializing in a college environment.” Don’t worry over-21ers, Mile High Mocktails can be mixed with vodka, gin, or tequila for an affordable, upscale cocktail.

How to Order

If you’d like to order some mocktails (and thus be the classiest member of your dorm) you can simply direct message the Mile High Mocktails team on Instagram @mile_high_mocktails. They will proceed to prep your drinks (as close to the delivery time as possible to ensure freshness) and deliver them to your door in premixed batches. Once you’ve received your mixie, simply Venmo Mile HIgh Mocktails (thank God for Venmo, am I right?). 

It’s one thing to support local businesses but it is an entirely greater deed to support our fellow students, especially when it includes delicious drinks like the Mile High Mocktails team is whipping up. 

Amelia (commonly known as Schmeels) is the Editorial Director and Founder at University of Denver's Spoon Chapter. She enjoys eating latkes and dancing in the rain and she aspires to one day be Padma from Top Chef.