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The Ultimate Christmas ‘Home Alone’ Drinking Game

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Alabama chapter.

Home Alone has been my favorite Christmas movie since the first time my mom showed it to me when I was a wee tot. The sassy one liners, the clever pranks and the Christmas music just wrapped it all up for me in one big, glittering bow. Some of my close friends are turning 21 this holiday season and I figured what better way to get in the Christmas spirit than a Home Alone drinking game? Grab that egg nog and holiday cheer, and let’s get in the spirit. 

#SpoonTip: Spoon University does not support binge drinking or underage drinking. Have fun but please drink responsibly. If you’re underage or the designated driver, try out these non-alcoholic drinks instead.

Take a Sip…

1. Every time Kevin complains about something

2. Every time Kevin says a “bad word” (ex. shut up, jerk, etc.)

3. Anytime someone mentions Paris

Take Two Sips…

1. Every time you hear a Christmas song

2. Anytime Kevin’s mom freaks out about getting home (bonus points for every time she yells “KEVIN!”) 

3. Every time Kevin goes into a family member’s room (because who doesn’t love jumping on their parents’ bed or looking through their older sibling’s stuff?)

Finish Your Drink…

1. Whenever you see Old Man Marley

2. Any time Marv and Harry try breaking into the McCallister house

3. During any of Kevin’s pranks 

Take a Shot When…

1. The Little Nero’s Pizza driver knocks over the statue in the front yard (bonus points for any driver that hits it. Looking at you airport van drivers)

2. Every time Kevin screams (it might be more than you think)

If you want to binge watch all the Home Alone movies, I say all the more power to you. What kid didn’t wish they were Kevin McCallister when he went into Mr. Duncan’s Toy Emporium? It is still whimsical and fun for kids, and hilarious and filled for nostalgia for everyone else. And, if you so choose, filled with alcohol and a good (safe) time for all. 


If you’re as horrible at making drinks as I am, let me suggest to you a few of our best Spoon recipes to help your night go down as smoothly as possible.

1. This complete guide to some of the best and easiest holiday drinks. 

2. These three holiday drinks inspired by another classic Christmas movie, A Christmas Carol

3. Some of our most festive AF holiday drinks with plenty of choices for any picky drinker out there.

4. And lastly a few extra recipes for our non-alcoholic friends who will certainly end up on the nice list this year.

Hi, my name is Alexa! I'm originally from Florida but I moved up to Tuscaloosa to major in communication studies (roll tide). I'm a huge food fanatic as well as a baker and will opt to make something homemade before I cook out of a box. I love finding new ways to use foods in my cooking as well as cooking while spending as little money as possible (hello college life). My favorite thing to do when I travel is to try new foods and learn new things to take back home with me and use it in the kitchen.