As Pancake art has recently become an addicting social media trend, our photo team at Spoon had no choice but to try our hand at making our own version for the spookiest of our favorite holidays: Halloween. While there are some really amazing Halloween treats out there, this pancake recipe is probably one of the easiest ways to start off your morning. This quick and simple breakfast treat is not only delicious, but also aesthetic, undoubtedly fulfilling any foodie’s social media needs.

Pumpkin Pancakes
Mix all of the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. The pancake mix we used was purchased at our local H-mart (Korean supermarket) but any mix will do. Also note that the pumpkin pie mix should have the spices already included.
Pre-heat a nonstick pan on the stove on low heat.
You can either use a squeeze bottle or a ziploc bag to draw the pancake designs. If using a ziploc bag, fill it with batter and cut a very small hole in the bottom corner (a little bit smaller than the size of a thumb tack). Fill a second bag and cut a larger hole (about the size of a penny).
Do not oil the pan. Using the ziploc bag with the smaller hole, draw the central features of your design, such as the eyes, mouth, nose etc. Wait about a minute before drawing the rest of the outline.
Take the ziploc bag with the larger hole and use that to fill in the rest of the pancake.
Wait until the surface of the pancake begins to bubble to flip. You should see your design on the other side!
Some suggestions for easy designs are jack-o-lanterns, ghosts, Frankenstein, a witch’s hat, or cats. You can mix dye or powders into the batter to get some color as well. For example, activated charcoal to get a more defined black color or matcha powder to get a green color.
If you want to make normal round pancakes, scoop about a quarter cup of batter onto the non-oiled pan and wait till the surface bubbles to flip. (Not oiling the pan allows you to get that smooth brown pancake surface)
Pair with desired toppings (powdered sugar, syrup, etc.)
A couple pointers for those looking to make the perfect pancake art:
1. Be patient: to keep the pancakes looking smooth you’ve gotta keep the stove on low heat – this means waiting a pretty long time for the central features to darken. Every stove is different so use a couple practice rounds to find the right time for you before filling in the reset.
2. Don’t hesitate: Especially with the ziploc bag the batter just comes out running so have a game plan ready before you start drawing
3. Use a squeeze bottle: (if you can) – you will definitely have much more control. You can reuse old condiment bottles if you have any.
Honestly, we went in with pretty low expectations and were pleasantly surprised by the results! This recipe is so simple and quite fool proof for those with even the least of experience. Serve it up to your friends and family this Halloween!