This recipe for lactose-free mac n' cheese is one of my favorites because it is all natural and totally safe for lactose intolerants to enjoy. Not only is the cheese lactose-free, but it tastes exactly like regular cheddar cheese. This is because it is, Cabot cheese makes all of their cheeses naturally lactose-free using an enzyme process.

This means that this particular brand of lactose-free cheese is made with real milk and tastes exactly like regular cheese. I use it as my main ingredient in the recipe below in order to make super cheesy mac n' cheese minus the lactose. 

Lactose-Free Mac N' Cheese

  • Prep Time:5 mins
  • Cook Time:20 mins
  • Total Time:25 mins
  • Servings:5
  • Easy


  • 1/2 box Barilla protein pasta
  • 1/2 block Cabot extra sharp yellow cheddar cheese
  • 1 tablespoon Lactaid milk
pasta, macaroni, penne, spaghetti
Allison Curley
  • Step 1

    Bring a large saucepan of water to a boil. Add the pasta to it and stir for 10 minutes until cooked well.

    pasta, macaroni, penne, spaghetti, wheat, carbohydrate, tagliatelle
    Allison Curley
  • Step 2

    Strain the pasta until it's dry and then return to the same saucepan. Grate the half block of cheese and add to the pan.

    Allison Curley
  • Step 3

    Turn up the heat again and stir in the milk until all the pasta is coated. Cool for 5 minutes before serving.

    pasta, macaroni, spaghetti, penne, carbohydrate, wheat
    Allison Curley

I use the Cabot yellow sharp cheddar cheese for this recipe because it has so much flavor to it. This way I don't have to make the recipe super creamy and unhealthy because the cheese does all the work. It is tart, and with a little bit of Lactaid milk, each piece of penne pasta is lightly coated with that delicious yet lactose-free mac n' cheese flavor. 

Also, Barilla's protein penne pasta is perfect for this recipe because it is really filling. When eating something like mac n' cheese, there isn't a lot of protein to fill my stomach up. This tends to mean that I eat more carbs to feel just as full as I would if I ate fewer carbs and more protein. This makes eating mac n' cheese seem unhealthy because there isn't a lot of beneficial nutrition.

However, by using protein pasta and avoiding things like butter and heavy cream, this mac n' cheese recipe is a lot healthier. It will stick with you longer, make you eat fewer carbs, and taste amazing, even though it's totally lactose-free.