Ask anyone, I love tea. I’m obsessed. I have a tea station set up in my bedroom and can be found snuggling up to a cup of tea whenever I’m sick. It’s also pretty easy for me to infuse my foods with tea, so why not make my life easier and eat my tea instead of drink it? A simple, caffeinated jam made with tea would definitely help when I’m rushing in the morning. And no. I’m not talking about putting jam in my tea.
It’s actually pretty easy to make jam infused with tea or just straight tea leaves in it. So, why should I limit myself to the herbal teas that everyone claims taste better in jams and marmalade? I’ve had caffeinated jam before. Actually, I’ve had caffeinated marmalade. But, it’s not that much of a stretch.
And, one of my favorite teas is earl grey. A classic black tea that I’ve been drinking since I was little (I blame my dad for the fact that I’m a tea snob). One of the most well known flavors that goes with earl grey is lemon, which gives me a fruit to use as the base of my tea-infused jam.
Anyone who knows me is will also tell you I’m an overachiever and love taking my food to the next level. Obviously, a simple lemon tea jam isn’t good enough when it comes to caffeinated jam. So, I’ve added in a flavor that goes well both with lemon and earl grey: lavender.

Lemon-Lavender Earl Grey Tea Jam
Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan and cook one of the lemons for 10-15 seconds to soften.
Remove cooked lemon with a slotted spoon and slice the lemon in half.
Juice one half of your cooked lemon and combine with juice of the uncooked lemon. This should roughly equal 1/2 cup.
Slice the stem end off of the other cooked lemon half and discard. Cut remaining fruit into segments, keeping the skin on. Grab and discard any large seeds.
Using a small food processor, puree the segmented lemon, skin and all.
Combine processed lemon, lemon juice, lavender, and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a bubble, stirring constantly.
When the mixture is boiling, insert a bag of Earl Grey tea. Cook for 5 minutes, adding the butter about halfway through, and constantly stir.
#SpoonTip: Wrap the rescue string around the wooden spoon you stir with to keep track of it.
After 5 minutes, remove pot from the heat and remove the tea bag. Cut open the other tea bag and stir in the leaves. Stir in the pectin.
Let cool and serve or place in sterilized canning jar to store.