Losing items is a common occurrence. Sometimes an item is forgotten at a restaurant, train, or even in an Uber. Uber recently released its annual Lost and Found Index, listing the top items left in an Uber. Clothing, bags, and headphones topped the list, but as the list went on, the more unhinged it got. Riders have left a multitude of items including a framed Taylor Swift autograph and a fake butt. Wild is an understatement. But that’s not all, riders were even forgetting their favorite food items from whole smoked pork belly to Benihana garlic butter. Read on for the most unique lost food items.

What were the wildest food items left in an Uber?

Uber’s Lost and Found Index includes 50 of the most unique lost items (a mix of food and everyday items). In second place was “hot sauce and a breathalyzer,” which is a crazy combo to leave behind. But, what was the hot sauce? Choulula? Tabasco? I need to know.

Other lost food items included a tray of meat pie (ranked 6th), a jar of oysters (ranked 8th), waist beads and a burrito steamer (ranked 16th), Benihana garlic butter (ranked 36th), and “undergarments, bread, pack of ham and mayo” (ranked 39th). In all honesty, I had to look up what a burrito steamer is. Google gave me results for tortilla steamers which may be the same thing. If you're like me and didn't know about burrito steamers, it looks like a printer (and also super expensive). To the person who lost their burrito steamer, I hope you got it back.

My personal favorite is the item in 17th place, two packages of blueberries. “I left expensive blueberries that are special that I need that the store is completely out of. There’s two packages that I absolutely need,” wrote the Uber rider that lost the items. I get it, if I left expensive berries I would dial my Uber driver ASAP considering the price of blueberries has risen due to a supply shortage caused by unseasonably warm conditions in Peru.

The top 20 forgotten food items list section is where it really gets unhinged with riders leaving ice cream cones, salmon, a bowl of meat, and a "fly a** burrito." Some riders messaged their driver to just have the food they left behind. "A nice cheese. Feel free to keep," wrote one rider. Another wrote, "Tomatoes (Don’t need ‘em back, just a heads up so they don’t cook in your car!)." The best one? "I left some pasta in the back by accident. Feel free to have it! It was so yummy and I didn’t eat out of the plate. Thanks again!" These three riders are the real heroes.

How to retrieve lost items.

Losing items is normal and if you have left an item in the back of your Uber, you can navigate to Uber’s help page, which outlines the simple steps you can take the next time you leave something behind in rides with Uber.

The best option is calling your Uber driver, but if it’s your phone that you’ve left behind, you can log in to your account on a computer. Here’s what to do:

1. Open the Uber app and tap “Activity” on the bottom icon menu.

2. Select the trip on which you lost the item.

3. Scroll down to "Find lost item" in the Help section, and then "Contact driver about a lost item."

4. Enter your phone number to call the driver.

5. If your driver picks up and confirms that your item has been found, coordinate a mutually convenient time and place to meet for its return to you.