
TikTok Is Divided On The Emma Chamberlain Smoothie From Erewhon

If you're doing some L.A.-living or TikTok scrolling, you are definitely familiar with America's most expensive, luxury grocery store Erewhon. With only a mere nine locations all located in Los Angeles, the store's wildly expensive smoothies, sushi sandwichesbuffalo cauliflower, and more, never fail to go viral across social media. Similar to Hailey Bieber and Bella Hadid, influencer and entrepreneur Emma Chamberlain collabed with the elite grocery chain to make her own smoothie: Emma's Cold Brew Cookie Smoothie, complete with Emma Chamberlain Coffee products. Since its rollout in June, TikTok reviews have been rolling in for the now-viral cookie-infused smoothie. Much like Chamberlain's canned coffee beverages, the internet is super divided on whether the Emma Chamberlain smoothie is even worth it or not. 

What's in the Emma Chamberlain smoothie?

According to the Erewhon ingredient list, Emma's Cold Brew Cookie Smoothie starts off with Chamberlain Coffee Espresso and also contains Zuma Valley Coconut Whip, Califia Farms Organic Almondmilk, Mikuna Superfood Protein, Sakara Beauty Drops, Chocolate Brownie Sweet Thins, almond butter, raspberry, vanilla, dates, banana, sea salt, toffee, Stevia, coconut meat, Tocos, lucuma, maca, cacao powder, cacao nibs, and maple syrup. 

This grand concoction of name-brand products and vitamin additives will cost Erewhon-goers a whopping $19. This amounts to essentially one dollar per ingredient in the smoothie. 

The reviews are in for the Emma Chamberlain smoothie.

TikTok user Spencer Barbosa ordered the smoothie and was blunt about her experience. "In a very respectful way, imagine you left a banana in a car, and you ate it after it sat in the hot sun. Respectfully, I will give it a 2 out of 10," she says.

User Noa Taieb's initial review was, "I paid $19 and I hate it." However, after mixing the layers together, he said he would order it again, but made sure watchers knew to mix it before drinking.

Additionally, many buyers did love the coffee and banana milkshake flavor. TikToker @lumiellelumielle loved the bottom layer of the drink, which was very cookie-forward. Though she said she might not buy it again, she said she thinks it was delicious despite not being a coffee fan, ranking it 9/10. 

Overall, many TikTok reviewers liked the beverage, even if they didn't consider themselves coffee fanatics. However, many users noted that it's a smoothie that's extremely dominant on banana and coconut flavors, which might not be for you. After all, banana is among the more controversial flavors, whether it occurs naturally or in an artificial candy. Also, many users discussed how, while good and serving as an energy boost, was not worth the $20 price tag

Make the Emma Chamberlain smoothie at home

TikTok user Nik says, "Everyday of my life, I crave the Emma Chamberlain Cookie Cold Brew smoothie from Erewhon, but I live across the country from the nearest Erewhon, so I'm gonna make it myself."

He made the entire smoothie base with a frozen banana, two dates, almond butter, coconut cream, cocoa powder, coconut flesh, raspberries, vanilla bean paste, protein powder, toffee stevia, espresso, and coconut whipped cream. He topped his smoothie with cocoa nips, brownie thins, and more coconut whip. "Okay, I get it, I really get it," he said when taste-testing.