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How One Granola Bar Company is Saving Children Around the World

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Stanford chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you know there’s nothing better than a coffee and a snack in the afternoon. You also know how satisfying it can be to find a snack that is delicious but doesn’t leave you feeling guilty. My hunt for this kind of perfection on an afternoon Starbucks run is what brought me to This Bar Saves Lives, a snack bar company with a mission.

snack bar beer cake
Danielle Echeverria

This Bar Saves Lives is a California-based giveback brand dedicated to helping prevent and treat severe malnutrition, a condition that 34 million children around the world suffer from. Co-founders Ryan Devlin, Todd Grinnell, and Ravi Patel witnessed the devastating effects of this widespread problem while on a humanitarian trip to Africa, so they decided to do something about it. After lots of hard work and endless taste testing, TBSL was born.

So how does it all work? It’s simple. For every snack bar sold, TBSL’s non-profit partners produce nutrient-dense packets of food, aimed at both treating and preventing malnutrition, and send it to various countries where it’s needed most. Since the company was started in 2013, over 2 million bars have been sold, saving over 15,000 lives in countries like Haiti, the Philippines, Guatemala and The DRC. With powerful and passionate partners like Kristen Bell, TBSL is sure to continue making an impact.

Not only are they for a great cause, the bars are totally scrumptious as well. They come in four flavors: wild blueberry pistachio, dark chocolate cherry and sea salt, Madagascar vanilla almond and honey, and my personal favorite, dark chocolate peanut butter and sea salt. Each flavor has just the right mix of salty and sweet, crunchy and soft, perfect to take care of those midday stomach rumblings. On top of that, every bar is non-GMO, fair trade, and gluten free. In other words, what’s not to love?

You can buy This Bar Saves Lives through their website, at Target, at Whole Foods, and at most Starbucks locations in California, Nevada, Colorado, and Maryland. You can also find the company on most social media platforms using the handle @thisbar.

So, what are you waiting for? Go save some lives while enjoying a delicious snack bar!