
I Got a Pixie Cut and I Didn't Regret It

It's been over two years since I got my pixie cut and I’ve grown it out. I remember being super excited to get a haircut because I had it planned for the longest time in secondary school. I came from a really strict secondary school and I was a prefect so rambut berfesyen AKA fashionable hair was not allowed. It was just something I’d planned on a whim and mainly cause I thought it be really cool to donate my hair to charity.

Getting to the salon wasn’t hard. I didn’t know what I wanted exactly but I knew it had to be short since I wanted to donate my hair and they had to cut at least 12 inches of it. I wasn’t nervous with the whole process of chopping off my hair. The only thing that made me nervous was that it was my first time going to #fancyaf hair salon where they’d wash, blow dry, and cut your hair.

They first evaluated how short I wanted it to be and what kind of short hair look I wanted. If I recall correctly, I had the normal or edgy option. I obviously went for the edgy option cause #aesthetics. Once that was done, they tied my hair into a low ponytail and… Snip, snip, snip, and over 12 inches of my hair was gone.

Once my hair was gone, it felt like a whole weight was off my shoulders. I didn’t cry and I’m the type of person who’d cry if I was getting a dramatic haircut. I love haircuts and it’s always so exciting unless it’s done by my mom. Sorry, mum.

After the stylist worked his magic, I got to see my hair and needless to say, it looked awesome. It always makes me nostalgic and wonder whether I should get back my short hair.

The Good 

People were generally really supporting and curious about my decisions. I’ve had a few “Wow, you cut your hair? I could never do that,” and “Nice haircut, what made you decide to do it?” It was fun and it kind of made me stand out because my fashion sense was pretty feminine although I had such short hair.

The Not-so-good

There were still insensitive people here and there, who have said, “You look like a boy!” or went blatantly, "All I see is a pretty boy." It did hurt me because I didn’t know how to respond although I really loved my short hair. Looking back, I should’ve said, “I guess I look like your generic boy now, huh?" "You’ve always said I was too tomboyish so what’s changed?” or “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”


If anyone tells you that short hair allows you to have fewer problems with styling – it’s a lie. Well at least in my case, it’s a lie. My hair was quite thick so it was a bit hard to figure out the best style unless you have some awesome hair styling gel, which I clearly didn’t. Such an idiot, I was. I was too cheap to buy one and so just dealt with it. The first few weeks were good but as it grew out... ew.

So here’s a tip: Ask your hair stylist for some specific advice in maintaining and styling your short hair.

Washing my hair, however, was the best. It took so much less time, shampoo and conditioner. It was a blessing.

In terms of how I dressed, I got to explore different fashion trends. I tried a more masculine look, a more feminine look and a more badass look. It was fun and I loved it. I thought it really helped me figure out my personal style. However, sometimes I think it reinforced my decision to dress more feminine.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed my short hair. I would do it again but not right now. I am enjoying my purple hair phase although most of my natural hair has grown out. I’ve also got to protect my ears from the cold so for now, it’s a long hair phase.