
Top Six Nostalgic Vegan Desserts

I have so many memories tied to different desserts, and I doubt that's just the American in me. One bite can call back memories from holidays with the family or baking in the kitchen with that special someone.

Reliving these memories is like the icing on top of the cake *pun intended*. But do vegan desserts compare?   

I'm guilty of having a massive sweet tooth, so I've become a bit of an expert on the matter since going vegan. Whether you are America's Next Top Baker or you like your food without all the effort, there are so many vegan desserts out there to try, and here are my top six. 

1. Ben and Jerry's Non-Dairy Ice Cream

What screams classic dessert more than ice cream? When Ben and Jerry's first came out with their non-dairy flavors, nearly every vegan sprinted to their nearest scoop shop and grocery store.

Since releasing the original four, they've added three more flavors, giving us all the more reason to choose almond milk over cow's milk. 

2. Boxed Cake

This was always my go-to for birthdays, and I'm pretty sure it was the first bite of dessert I ever had. While the directions on most boxes are far from vegan, peta2 came up with five hacks for vegan-izing your next birthday cake. 

The one that surprised me the most was chocolate cake mix and a can of Coke, but it really works! Is there anything Coke can't do?    

3. Hampton Creek Cookies

One bite takes me back to the days of sneaking into the the cookie jar as a kid, or even better, eating one fresh fresh from the oven. 

While you could always make yourself a batch of homemade vegan cookies, why not pre-made dough from Hampton Creek? It's all the goodness with a only about a fourth of the effort, and obviously that means more energy for eating cookies.  

4. Carrot Cake from Hot for Food

This was my mom's favorite cake from her pre-vegan days, as it was for many people, and it still can with a few creative tweaks. This recipe from Hot for Food even includes how to make "cream cheese" frosting. 

It may be the perfect Easter cake, but I say it's the kind you can eat any time of year! All those carrots make it healthy, right?   

5. Rice Crispy Treats from Oh She Glows 

Oh She Glows is known for her plant-based, whole foods recipes, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know how to make a mean dessert! 

This one deviates a bit from the norm since it uses almond butter instead of marshmallows, but sometimes part of embracing tradition includes mixing things up.

If you prefer more sugar and less protein, you could always look at the back of a Dandie's bag for a more traditional recipe.    

6. Pecan Pie from Edgy Veg

This one is especially nostalgic for my fellow Southerners, and for good reason. Sounding a bit nutty, I can't talk up pecans enough, especially when you pair them with the sweetest pie filling imaginable. 

This one isn't just for Southerners, though. While we like to have it year-round, the rest of America is more likely to have a bite on Thanksgiving. But why not pull up a rocking chair, and enjoy it year-round?