
If 'Be More Chill' Characters Were Pinkberry Flavors

Besides trying all the latest summer food trends, one thing that's always on my summer bucket list is to see Broadway shows. This year, my top show to see was Be More Chill, a musical about a teen who takes a pill that helps him become popular called a SQUIP, and between the catchy songs and multidimensional characters, it was hard for me not to fall in love with it.

Like with every movie, book, or musical I obsess over, I can't help but compare all the characters to the spotlighted food in the source material. With Be More Chill, this food happens to be Pinkberry frozen yogurt. Do you wanna know all the pairings? Then c-c-c'mon, c-c-c'mon, read on!

Jeremy: Original

Jeremy, the protagonist, might not realize it's OK to just be himself at first, but nonetheless, it's easy to see he's a pretty original guy. His tendency to try new things—ahem, the SQUIP—just makes Pinkberry's original all the more a good fit for him, since everyone always wants to try the flavor in new toppings.

Michael: Mint Chocolate Cookie

Nobody keeps it fresher than slushee and sushi enthusiast Michael Mell. Jeremy's best friend not only tries different rolls on the daily, but he has a big, warm heart, making him the embodiment of mint chocolate cookie.

Christine: Passion Fruit

Did you hear (did you hear) Christine is passionate about theatre? The aspiring actress and Jeremy's crush can't imagine anything better than play rehearsal, singing about it at the very start of the show. Her passion always shine through, just like passion fruit.

Chloe: Pink Lemonade

Like lemonade, Chloe can act a bit sour, especially toward Jenna Rolan. (She's telling the story, Jenna!) Still, she has a sweet side when it comes to her best friend Brooke, and even when they get into fights, they always make up with a string of emojis over text.

Brooke: Pineapple Orange Banana

Brooke might seem secondary to Chloe, but she is full of creative ideas that make her all her own, including her sexy dog costume. Surely, she would be an equally creative Pinkberry flavor, and with the way she throws the banana in "The Smartphone Hour," you know that bananas have to make an appearance.

Rich: Coconut Milk Cold Brew

How else can you describe Rich but as a strong personality? The boy who tells Jeremy about SQUIPs no doubt is the human epitome of coffee. Plus, he's a little (coco)nuts for taking the pill himself in the first place, considering what it ends up doing to him. (No spoilers, I promise.)

Jake: Pineapple Colada

With his relaxed personality, nobody in Be More Chill is as naturally chill as Jake Dillinger. He's the type of guy you'd want to sip piña coladas with poolside or at one of his Halloween parties. Wherever you are with him, you know it's gonna be chill.

Jenna: Matcha

Jenna Rolan calling? The musical's gossip never fails to spill the tea to the other characters, even when they don't ask her for it. Probably because she's Jenna, matcha average gossip. 

Jeremy's Dad: Milk

As a homebody, Jeremy's dad must prefer the comforts of home to anything else. And truly, no drink comforts you at home better than milk, especially served with cookies.

The SQUIP: Cookie Butter

He knows how to be more chill, so the SQUIP must know how to be on trend, right? Indeed, cookie butter is one trendy spread. I wonder why the SQUIP didn't tell Jeremy he should start eating some...

Definitely, there's no better two-player game than the Be More Chill characters and Pinkberry fro-yo. Speaking of which, you can experience a Be More Chill-Pinkberry collab IRL at the frozen yogurt chain until June 27. But don't forget to see the show as well! I'd say it's pretty chill.