Grapefruits make for nutritional and refreshing snacks, but preparing them can be tricky. The key is to separate the sweet flesh of grapefruit from the bitter membrane and pith that encases it. This can be done with a regular knife or spoon, or a grapefruit spoon, if you prefer that special kind of refinement that only the use of specialized utensils can provide.
Method 1: With a regular spoon
1. Locate the stem of the grapefruit. Cut the grapefruit in half horizontally, perpendicular to the way the stem runs. (If you cut along the stem, you won’t be able to segment it correctly later.)

Photo by Lily Allen
2. Use a knife to cut a circle around the perimeter of the grapefruit, separating the flesh from its rind.

Photo by Lily Allen
3. Slice along either side of each membrane, separating it from the flesh. Continue until each membrane has been detached.

Photo by Lily Allen
4. Use a spoon to scoop out each section and enjoy!

Photo by Lily Allen
Method 2: With a grapefruit spoon
1. Slice the grapefruit in half as described above.

Photo by Lily Allen
2. The grapefruit spoon has serrated edges that allow you to cut through the flesh without a knife. Place the serrated part of the spoon at a part of the grapefruit where the flesh meets the rind.

Photo by Lily Allen
3. Dig your spoon into the flesh, and scoop out the section. Be careful not to scoop any of the bitter white pith in between the rind and the flesh. Enjoy!

Photo by Lily Allen