
Why You Get Cotton Mouth When You Smoke Weed

If you've ever ingested marijuana in any way, form, or fashion (keep it honest people), I'm sure you've felt some effects. Otherwise, what was the point, right? Whether you smoke it, eat weed-infused foods, or even drink it, pot impacts your mind and/or body. 

After you take a bong rip, eat a weed brownie, or puff puff pass a joint, the next thing you know, your tongue starts to feel like it's stuck to the roof of your mouth and it's taking way too much effort to swallow. I'm sure your biology professor dropped the ball on teaching the ins and outs of cotton mouth, but look no further for an explanation. 

Biology 420

If you don't remember receptors from science class, here's a quick refresher. Receptors are molecules that are attached to cells for the sole purpose of binding them with the proper chemical signals. Each receptor can only bind certain types of chemicals to it. When the attachment occurs, the cell that the receptor is connected to reacts accordingly and is triggered into action. 

It's clear that receptors are a crucial part of what keeps your body operating smoothly. So if something were to, let's say, give the receptor the incorrect signal, your body is probably going to do—or worse, not do—something that it's supposed to be doing. I think you know where I'm going with this. 

Lets Talk About Spit, Baby

Saliva is produced in three glands in your mouth, one of which has two types of receptors called cannabinoids. Sounds a lot like cannabis. doesn't it? These particular receptors are actually found all over your body. When you ingest weed, the chemicals in the THC bind with the cannabinoid receptors. That's what gives you the "high" feeling.

But when it comes to the receptors in your mouth, the THC chemicals send a wonky signal to the cells in the salivary glands. They temporarily stop operating sufficiently and your mouth doesn't produce its usual amount of spit.

And voila, there you have it. If someone tries to tell you that cotton mouth has to do with the smoke, feel free to Mythbusters them with the facts. Regardless of your method of "relaxing," if there's THC involved at all, you're bound to experience a little dry mouth.