
The Major Health Benefits of Your Favorite Christmas Spices

The holiday season is upon us, and it's finally time for us college students to have a little break from the hectic university life. Personally, it means that I can spend more time in the kitchen incorporating spices like cinnamon and ginger into everything I make; they give that warm aroma that I associate with Christmas and the cold weather.

Since I have eaten more Bottega Louie's Eggnog macarons than I would like to admit, I got curious about whether the spices in typical Christmas food items actually offer some health benefits. Studies have shown that I would not stop munching on holiday food items anytime soon.

1. Cinnamon

Other than being the to-go spice sprinkle on oatmeal and choking people half to death, cinnamon also offers a good array of health benefits. Cinnamon may aid in fighting cancer and diabetes, while also containing potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These cinnamon rolls aren't all bad, after all.

2. Nutmeg

Nutmeg is an essential ingredient in eggnog, and is so much more than just a tasty aroma. This spice can improve blood circulation and help with bad breath. Also, it slows the degradation of brain cells, so it makes slaying that upper division class easier. You might want to try this apple cider sangria during the holidays after hearing that.

3. Clove

A little bit of warning, this spice is strong. You would have to be careful about how much you put in your food, but if you get it right, recipes like these apple pie pancakes and apple torte will come out very warm and fragrant. On top of that, cloves may help with digestive tract cancers and joint inflammation. It is also quite a good source of manganese and vitamin K.

4. Ginger

I always keep some ginger tea in my kitchen cabinet, as this spice is known to help with nausea and digestive issues. If you are bored of store-bought ginger tea, homemade ginger tea is as simple as letting grated ginger steep in boiling water. You can even add some whiskey to make a cup of tipsy ginger tea. Your relatives will think you must be very healthy for sipping so much ginger tea.

5. Rosemary

The sheer number of possibilities for this one already have me running to the nearest grocery store. Scones, baked sweet potatoes, and baked brie puff pastry are all even more delectable and Instagram-worthy with rosemary. The spice itself is known to help with heartburn and high blood pressure, while the oil can prevent memory loss and relieve muscle pain. Make that run a sprint, now.

6. Peppermint

With how pretty peppermint Christmas treats like cupcakes, cookies, and popcorns are, one might think that peppermint is just all looks and no brains (or nutrients, in this case). Well, not quite. Peppermint can help treat gastrointestinal diseases, and its aroma and numbing effect can help with headaches and skin irritations.

If you're reading this before a big holiday get-together with friends and family, remember to put some spices in your cooking to boost your recipe's flavor while low-key benefitting everyone's health.