We live in a fast-paced, perpetually progressing society. Technology has never been more advanced, making it not only possible but almost necessary to stay connected at all times. It also means the human race gets to broadcast our irrationality on a global scale. The world’s favorite way to do this? Internet food challenges. Because why not attempt to destroy your digestive system in an effort to entertain hundreds of people you don’t know or care about?
1. Cinnamon Challenge

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Ah yes, the cinnamon challenge. I too remember a time when it seemed as though everyone I knew was attempting to choke down a spoonful of this spice to amuse the Internet. Just use the cinnamon you would cough up to make this delicious buttery bread pudding instead.
2. Saltine Challenge

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The premise behind this challenge is simple: scarf down six saltine crackers in under 60 seconds without consuming any liquids. The application? Not quite so simple. (You can watch some Spoonies attempt the challenge themselves here.)
3. Milk Challenge

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The milk challenge entails consuming an entire gallon of milk in under an hour. Unsurprisingly, most people’s bodies cannot handle this, and the challenge quite often ends with the participant puking their guts out. I have a lot of questions, but I’m going to start with this one: WHY?
4. Cookie Challenge

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As far as Internet food challenges go, this one is relatively harmless. Just place a cookie on your forehead and awkwardly move your face until it falls into your mouth. Go ahead and try this one, it’s not life threatening. Also, you get to eat a cookie. Maybe use an Oreo and then try one of these delicious Oreo recipes.
5. Hot Pepper Challenge

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Otherwise known as the chilli pepper challenge, the name of the game is to ingest a pepper high on the Scoville scale. If you enjoy the sensation of swallowing lava, I recommend this challenge.
6. Wasabi Challenge

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There are two versions of the wasabi challenge. The first involves eating a large chunk of wasabi, which, despite the fact that this probably feels like being set on fire, is actually the tame variety. The second was created by Steve-O of the ever-so-educational TV show Jackass, who took it upon himself to snort wasabi up his nostril. I’m horrified, but also pretty impressed.
7. Pop Rocks Challenge

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The pop rocks challenge involves pouring a whole package of Pop Rocks into your mouth and then washing it down with a nice, refreshing liter of Coke. Simple, effective, and stupid.
8. Salt and Ice Challenge

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Of all the challenges, this one is probably the most ridiculous. Essentially, all you have to do is put salt on your arm, and rub ice on it. This will create a sensation similar to that of a third degree burn. Don’t try this one at home, kids.