“Netflix and chill?”
These are three words you probably don’t want to hear if you’re on the receiving end of the question. But, alas, this phrase has become so commonplace that people have even made a Halloween costume out of it – yes, I’m serious.
Funny thing is, before Netflix and chill became a thing, I never would have realized it was code for hooking up. I probably would have shown up with hot cocoa and a blanket under the impression that their Netflix viewing room had insufficient heating.
That was before. And this is now.
When receiving any form of communication with the words “Netflix and chill,” I don’t even bother to give it a proper response most of the time.

Gif courtesy of imgur.com
Nope. With a capital “N”. Not my cup of tea.
If you’re in the same boat as me, you may have once or twice responded to that “Netflix and chill” text with “I’m eating, man.” Seriously, your hookup game can’t come close to my love for food.
There are definitely foods that are way better than Netflix and chill, but in case you do decide to take the person up on their offer, try out one of these recipes. Here’s our Spoon-approved list:
1. Chili

Photo by Anna Polovick
Chili is amazing. Hands down. My friends and I always end up making chili for our get-togethers when it’s cold out. Cheese, meat, beans? It’s like eating a super warm burrito without having to chew.
Of course, there’s always a vegetarian version if you don’t eat meat.
2. Chocolate Lava Cakes

Photo by Jocelyn Hsu
Okay, I’ll start by saying something chocolate was def gonna make this list. Chocolate is the ubiquitous comfort food at least half the population craves during their low moments.
But, in this context, chocolate is not a low moment. It’s way better than anyone’s Netflix and chill game. Unlike that, chocolate has never let me down.
3. Cheesecake Shooters

Photo by Susanna Mostaghim
These are the bomb. And not just because these are my recipes. I was introduced to cheesecake shooters when I was a senior in high school – non-alcoholic, of course. But, that didn’t stop me once I turned 21 from making my own alcoholic ones.
You can totally adapt the recipe to have a different alcohol or fruit, but strawberry champagne cheesecake shooters? I’m happier than any booty call could make me.
4. Grilled Cheese

Photo by Gabby Phi
I love the grown-up version of grilled cheese. Who doesn’t love the ability to put whatever they want on it? After all, brie is an incredibly versatile cheese. In addition to the classic savory grilled cheese, you can even make sweet grilled cheese. Yum.
Step up your game with our tater tot and bacon grilled cheese that’s just as good for dinner as it is for breakfast. And unlike the person asking to Netflix and chill, you won’t regret it later.
5. Oreo Pull-Apart Bread

Photo by Emma Lally
Aight, I love Oreos. They’re my guilty pleasure despite my attempts to be healthy AF. Can’t help it, they’re one the best things our society has produced (and they’re vegan-friendly) – as unhealthy as they are.
6. Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Photo by Theo Lee
Anyone who has ever read an article by me knows I love me some cheese. And broccoli cheddar soup is no exception to that umbrella. I love me some broccoli cheddar soup. Especially with a nicely toasted baguette.
7. Popcorn

Photo by Alina Polishuk
And all its variations. Popcorn is the ultimate movie theater food and – obviously – translates into being one of the ultimate Netflix foods. But you don’t need the “and chill” option when you make it for yourself.
I mean, who really wants to share pimped out popcorn? Please.
8. Egg and Avocado BLT

Photo by Tiare Brown
Everyone knows that egg and avocado are the greatest power couple of all time, yo. Yes, that is a Kanye reference – and I hate myself for making it. Just like you probably hate yourself after accepting that “Netflix and chill?” text.
But seriously, this BLT is way better than anything that that text will lead to.
9. Black Tap Burger’s “The Cookie” Milkshake

Photo by Rachel Davis
This is definitely my favorite ice cream-based dessert on this list. Black Tap in New York has made amazing versions of the “freakshow shakes” created by Pâtissez in Australia and we here at Spoon have made our own version of their shakes at home.
And, if you make this at home, you don’t have to share.
10. Mac and Cheese Hand Pies

Photo by Clare Beatty
Okay, maybe I’m a bit obsessed with cheese. Can’t help it, you always want something you shouldn’t have #lactoseintolerant.
Mac and cheese is one of the best ways for a college student to serve up gooey, melted cheese. And now there’s a step up from the classic favorite: you can take these hand pies on-the-go. You know, in case you cave and answer that text asking to “Netflix and chill?”
11. Choco Tacos

Photo by Dylan Barth
Here comes the nostalgia bus – can’t you just hear the ice cream truck jingle? Choco tacos are happy memories for most people’s childhoods. Just like they can be a happy memory now, in place of a questionable choice to Netflix and chill. Or you could take them with you. Then if you’re disappointed, you’ll still get some pleasure.
12. Oreo Cheesecake Bars

Photo by Isabella Martin
Who doesn’t love some good cheesecake bars? Add in Oreos and no chill session can stand up to these delicious bites of pleasure.
If you’re not fond of Oreos (and are feeling a little basic), you can always make these pumpkin cheesecake bars instead.
13. Crispy Poached Eggs

Photo by Arden Sarner
I never thought I’d vouch for anything deep fried, but I totally support these crispy poached eggs. These remind me of Scottish eggs – which I’ve always wanted to try – but with runny instead of fully cooked yolk. YUM.
Yolk porn over almost-porn on Netflix, am I right?
14. Italian Baked Eggs

Photo by Liz Tadie
Baked eggs are one of my favorite things to do when I’m craving breakfast food. I put it in hash, on breakfast pizza, bake it in avocados… there is no end to how I will cook my eggs. But then I found out about the Italian baked egg and it quickly usurped the hash’s spot as favorite egg dish.
This takes less than half an hour to make, and since that Netflix and chill session will take just as long without as much reward, Italian baked eggs are the better option.
15. Dunkaroo Donut Bombs

Photo by Ari Collura
Bringing back the childhood memories once more with these Dunkaroo donut bombs. Now, I’ll admit, I’ve never had Dunkaroos – but I’m told they were a staple of the 90’s kid’s diet. So what better way to honor the memory of the golden years than these?
Making these yourself is certainly a better homage to the decade of our childhood than watching 90’s movies with some rando.
16. Salmon, Shrimp, and Avocado Poke

Photo by Evan Wu
This is probably my favorite dish on this list by far. I love poké, and combining it with some shrimp? Delicious. Avocado is great and all, but I love my seafood way more than I love me some avocado.
I’ve never met someone who doesn’t like poké if they enjoy sushi, and this poké is better than anyone who will ever ask me to Netflix and chill.
17. Taco Quesadilla Pizza

Photo by Becky Hughes
Quesadillas, tacos, and pizza? Can you think of a more deliciously cheesy combination? I certainly can’t. Zesty, yummy, and cheesy; this dish is a slice of heaven on a plate.
This is better than Netflix and chill by far, just like every other dish on this list. So good.

GIF courtesy of giphy.com
Now you have 17 excuses to ignore that “Netflix and chill?” text, or 17 mouthwatering recipes to make if you decide to answer – your choice. Go make some delicious food and remember: it’s not “Netflix and chill” anymore. It’s Netflix and chili.