
12 Hot Chocolate-Flavored Foods to Cozy Up With This Holiday Season

I don't know about you, but the holiday season is definitely the most wonderful time of the year. I always tend to jump the gun and start listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween (a little absurd, I know). But my favorite part of the holidays has got to be the insane amounts of food I plan to eat.

When I think of holiday flavors, I automatically think of peppermint, gingerbread, and eggnog. However, there's also hot chocolate, the flavor everyone seems to forget about. But this year, hot chocolate flavored foods may be taking over. Hot chocolate just might be the new peppermint mocha. 

1. Clif Bar

Clif bars have always had a place in my heart. As a rower, I keep a plethora of protein bars to fuel my long practices, and for as long as I can remember, Clif bars were always one of those bars. They come out with seasonal flavors each year, including hot chocolate, gingerbread, and pumpkin pie. 

2. Oreo

Oreo has released so many flavors, it's almost impossible to keep up. Unlike the Peeps flavor, though, this hot cocoa flavor is one I would be willing to try. Dip it in some Oreo flavored hot cocoa (see #5 for more details) for the ultimate cozy experience. 

3. Cocoa Puffs

I was definitely "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs" when I was a kid. Anything chocolatey for breakfast was a win in my book, even if it was technically dessert. The addition of marshmallows just makes this cereal even better. 

4. Boom Chicka Pop Popcorn

Is there anything better than cozying up to a Christmas classic with a cup of hot cocoa while the snow is falling? Well now you can enjoy some hot cocoa popcorn while you watch those movies too. 

5. Oreo Hot Chocolate

Okay, not exactly a hot chocolate-flavored food, but who wouldn't be excited about OREO hot chocolate!? And you can eat them with those hot chocolate-flavored Oreos, too. Talk about a match made in heaven. 

6. Jelly Belly

As a vegan, jelly beans are one of the few junk foods that are safe for me to eat. This holiday combo has traditional flavors like eggnog, candy cane, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce (ew), and hot chocolate. Give them as a secret Santa gift for the vegan in your life.

#SpoonTip: Just as a heads up, Jelly Belly jelly beans are coated in a mixture that contains beeswax. Some strict vegans do not eat beeswax as it is an animal product.

7. Trader Joe's Hot Cocoa O's

Trader Joe's is famous for their seasonal foods, so of course they released their own hot chocolate-flavored cereal this year. Fuel your morning with this festive breakfast and feel jolly all day long.

8. Pillsbury Cookies

Pillsbury holiday cookies are definitely superior to any other prepackaged cookie brand. Only one week into December and all the sugar cookies are sold out at my local store—you can only imagine my disappointment. If you are luckier than I in your quest to find these cookies, they're perfect for your next cookie exchange. 

9. Herr's Snack Balls

Meet Cheetos chocolatey cousin, hot cocoa snack balls. These chocolate marshmallow treats are perfect for when you want something a little more sweet than your average cheesy Cheeto. 

10. Peeps

Who needs regular marshmallows in your hot cocoa when you can be extra af with these hot chocolate flavored Peep marshmallows instead? Your regular cup of hot cocoa just got a much needed upgrade. 

11. Edy's Ice Cream

It's never too cold for a huge bowl of ice cream. This Frozen Hot Chocolate ice cream from Edy's has both chocolate and marshmallow flavors with mini marshmallows mixed in, making it the perfect frozen seasonal treat. 

12. Hostess Donettes

The classic mini donuts just got a seasonal revamp. These donuts are hot cocoa-flavored with a marshmallow glaze to top it off, just like your regular cup of cocoa. They may seem a little too similar to regular chocolate glazed donuts, but you can be the judge of that.