
The 11 Best Healthy Food Accounts to Follow on Instagram

Whether you're a budding foodie, health nut, or Ramen-dependent college kid ready to break the mold, there are tons of Instagram users waiting to inspire you with recipes and tips for mastering a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few of your soon-to-be mentors and role models in this virtual foodie community:

1. @shutthekaleup

Jeannette Ogden is a Drake-loving, Orange County-based health and lifestyle guru. When it comes to nutrition, she's all about "real food" and balance. She's a carnivore, she's not afraid to eat the occasional donut, and, above all else, she preaches listening to your body. 

2. @sirplantsalot

Hailing from Portland, Oregon, Garrett (aka Sir Plantsalot) is the real smoothie king. His vegan smoothies are crazy colorful, and the "Mango Man," featured in many of his creations, is sure to brighten your feed and your day.  

3. @thelittleflowerpetal

Georgina Berbari is a yoga instructor, sweet potato enthusiast, and master of the peanut butter swirl. In addition to mouthwatering food posts, she switches it up with yoga pics and captions that promote positivity and mindfulness and all that good stuff. 

4. @leefromamerica

Lee Tilghman is a professional food stylist in LA (Can you say dream job?). In the captions of her stunning smoothie bowls and veggie creations, she provides genius recipe ideas and nutritional insight, while also highlighting the importance of mental health. 

5. @kaleandchocolate

Elise Museles specializes in eating psychology and has been known to post photos of her golden retriever eating kale. What more could you possibly want?

6. @secretsquirrelfood

Karen McLear is an award-winning food stylist from Dubai who takes playing with food to a whole new level. She can transform just about any fruit into a beautiful rose, and any breakfast into a cute little critter. 

7. @rawincollege

Originally from South Florida, Ashley Hampton is a junior at the University of Wisconsin on a mission to prove that a raw diet free of animal cruelty can be easy for anyone. Even if you're not trying to go vegan, you'll still want to follow along her inspiring journey of vibrant fruit platters and spiralized veggies.

8. @fitandwellmedgal

Think you're too busy to throw together a healthy meal? Adriana is a surgery resident in New York who still finds time for a balanced lifestyle, despite working weekends and night shifts in the ER. She posts meals and snacks that you can take on-the-go to power you through your day.

9. @frommybowl

Spoon University's own Caitlin Shoemaker is the mastermind behind this incredible (or should I say incredibowl?) account. Even with over 100k followers, she doesn't take herself too seriously, and her signature smoothie swirl makes her bowls look borderline too pretty to eat. 

10. @rachlmansfield

Chocolate for breakfast is a regular occurrence in healthy dessert-enthusiast Rachel Mansfield's posts. Her recipes range from spicy fish tacos to paleo almond butter cup donuts and require only a few ingredients each. 

11. @realfoodology

Nutrition student Courtney Swan is killing the foodie game. She posts short "For the Health of it" videos that debunk health myths and share nutrition tips, and she even sells foodie t-shirts.