
10 Desserts to Make With Your Leftover Halloween Candy

October is probably one of the best months of the year for the sole reason that there are large amounts of candy being handed out wherever you go. While you're probably a bit too old to trick-or-treat now, you might still obtain candy from teachers, parents, club meetings, or from buying a family-size bag for yourself—er, your roommates.

Before you acquired all that candy, you probably thought you'd have no trouble devouring it all. But now it's November and you still have piles of it leftover—way more than you can finish before you get tired of it. So whip up some of these bomb desserts with the rest of your Halloween candy for a treat that's far better than the original. 

1. Slutty Rice Krispies Treats

First there were slutty brownies, now there's slutty rice krispies treats. When you were little, getting a rice krispies treat instead of chocolate was the most disappointing thing ever. But forget all about those bad associations, because this dessert will blow your mind. Filled with Reese's and Oreos, this rice krispies and chocolate-covered treat is anything but disappointing. 

2. Kit Kat Croissants

Fresh, warm croissants for breakfast are an ideal way to start your morning. Now imagine that they were also stuffed with Kit Kat bars. All you have to is roll Kit Kats in Pillsbury crescent rolls and bake. Chocolate and bread? It's the best of both worlds.

3. Everything-but-the-Kitchen-Sink Milkshake 

Why not take the lot of your leftover Halloween candy and throw it all into one gigantic, over-the-top milkshake? Seems like a pretty great idea, yes? Well trust me, it's the best idea. So toss in your M&M's, Heath Bars, Kit Kats, Reese's, and some brownies while you're at it, along with your favorite flavor of ice cream and milk into a blender. Whip that ish up and top with leftover candies for decoration, a la Black Tap. Now sip yourself into a deep chocolate euphoria.  

4. Rolo M&M's Pretzel Bites

I, for one, was never a huge fan of Rolos. Or "fun-sized" packages of M&M's, for that matter. How is the smaller size more fun? That logic will never make sense to me. Anyways, while I don't really like Rolos, somehow they become delicious when melted onto pretzels and topped with M&M's. The combination of sweet and salty is just right, lending your taste buds an experience they can't achieve from just candy alone. So take those forgotten Rolo's and not-so-fun-sized M&M's and whip up these pretzel bites in bulk. 

5. Candy Corn Cookies

Nothing says Halloween like candy corn, at least in my opinion. Every year I make sure to buy a huge bag of the stuff as soon as I see it being sold in the grocery store. But then the spark of Halloween dims and months later I'm left with a ton of candy corn I'm not in the mood to eat anymore. Enter these delicious candy corn cookies. Made with white chocolate chips, the candy corn acts as another sweet addition to every warm, chewy bite.  

6. Candy-Stuffed Pancakes

After a long night of Halloween festivities, the only cure to your morning hangover is these stuffed pancakes made from all your leftover Halloween candy. Use your favorite homemade pancake recipe, or a good ole' mix like Bisquick, and load them up with M&M's, Twix, Reese's, Hershey's, and any other candy you have on hand. Serve with maple or chocolate syrup, because at this point you might as well have all the sugar you can get. 

7. Halloween Trail Mix

This trail mix is perfect for when you're stuck on campus all day and need a sweet pick-me-up in between classes and all the other 500 things it seems like you have to do. We all know the best thing about trail mix is the chocolate, so load yours up with leftover Reese's Pieces, M&M's, and candy corn, along with peanuts, popcorn, and pretzels.

Cover the mixture with a sweet peanut butter sauce that ups the quality of this trail mix by a thousand. You'll encounter a wonderful mix of sweet and salty that'll satisfying your tastebuds and your midday hunger.

8. Slutty Brownies ft. M&M's, Marshmallows, and Pretzels

"Slutty" desserts are proving to be the best way to use up leftover Halloween candy. These slutty brownies use up leftover M&M's, but you could sub Reese's Pieces and add in any (or all) of the rest of your candy if desired. There's no such thing as too much chocolate, am I right?

9. Mini Reese's Peanut Butter Brownie Cups

Mini candies are just about as bad as "fun-size" ones. I mean, honestly, who thought it would be a good idea to make candy smaller? Put those mini Reese's to better use by making these peanut butter brownie cups. Simply prepare a box of brownie mix according to package instructions, then pour into a cupcake tin and fill each with a mini Reese's. Top with creamy peanut butter frosting and prepare for a chocolaty peanut butter explosion of deliciousness with every bite.

10. Candy Donuts

What goes great with sugar? More sugar, of course. Candy and donuts are the ultimate combination to sustain your post-Halloween sugar binge. Just take a regular donut from your favorite donut spot and load up these four delectable pairings with your favorite candy. Prepare a chocolaty glaze to spread over your warmed donut, then top with chopped Reese's, Twix, Snickers, or candy corn.